But Why...

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I walked out of my room the next morning dressed and ready to get to school, Professor Stein said that he had something important for Soul and I, and Kira was sitting outside of Soul's room.

"He's changing." She said, I nodded.

"Do you want to borrow a pair of my jeans? You can keep them if you'd like." I said running back in my room and handing her a pair of lightly ripped, white jeans.

"Aren't those the jeans that Soul bought you?" She asked examining them.

"Yeah but they're not really my style." I said walking away into the kitchen and pouring orange juice into a cup.

"Thanks Maka Senpi." She said. I started laughing.

"Please, Kira, don't call me Senpi we're in the same class. Now do you want some cereal?" I asked pulling a box out.

"No thanks Soul already made me eggs and bacon." She said smiling as she pulled on the jeans over her pale legs. Soul's door opened as soon as she started to zip in and button the top.

"You're wearing my shirt again, don't you want a different one? You slept in that last night." He tugged on it, I rolled my eyes and swallowed the orange juice.

"Go on, go pick out a shirt and a jacket because it's cold out." He pushed her into his room and shut the door behind her.

"What was that?" I asked looking at him.

"That was me, being nice, to a girl that I can get." He said. I swear my heart skipped a beat, twice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked walking towards him, he put up his hands signaling me to stop.

"Last night never happened, okay?" He said looking at me with no emotion.

"But Soul..." I couldn't find the right words

"Maka please, just forget about it before you get hurt. That's the last thing I'd want to do to you, I don't know if I can say the same for you." He let his arms fall lazily back to his side and leaned against the door. After a minute of silence I went to say something when his bedroom door swung open and he fell backwards pushing kira back with him. Quickly and swiftly he pushed her in front of him so he would hit the ground first, and he did. I watched in amazement at his quick reflexes.

"Oh my god Soul, are you okay?" I said beginning to walk over when he held his hand up, again signaling me to stop.

"Why, why won't he let me near him?" My head was on high alert as to what he was trying to get through to me.

"Kira, are you okay?" Soul asked looking up at Kira whom was still sitting over him. She nodded but stayed on top of him. He smiled as he helped her up, brushing her off gently.

"Soul we have to get going, remember Stein wanted us early today!" I called as I started to walk away.

"Yeah that's good see you at school, Maka." He said still looking at Kira. I was going to say something but then I decided against it. Grabbing my coat I walked out quickly.

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