Leaving Home

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I sat against the wall next to my door looking at my open closet and messy drawers. It all looked so empty with all my clothes being put into the bags sitting on my bed.

"Soul!" I heard the door open and slam shut in one swift stroke. I heard soul behind me, in his room, stand up and walk to the doorway. I saw a flash of white jeans as Kira ran by.

"Kira, its okay we've got a few hours till we leave." He said, I saw their shadows rock back and forth.

"I'm coming with you no matter what professor Stein says." She said.

"No you're staying here with Riko, you need to stay here it's not yet safe for you because you don't have enough training." He said, I leaned against the wall, not wanting to move and interrupt their "moment".

"Please, Soul, please take me with you. You were the first person to help me I can't let you go that easily." She said basically in tears. I rolled my eyes and tried my hardest not to laugh.

"I'm sorry, kira I'm not letting you leave here." He said.

"Why'd you tell me everything even when you just met me, you can't trust people that easily." She said.

"Because if I die there, you'll know what happened to me." He paused and I saw his shadow disappear from the doorway where she still stood.

"Here, take this so you will never forget me." He said. I saw a jacket's shadow and I instantly knew it was his favorite jacket. I stood up to finish packing, making as little noise as possible from their 'precious' moment.

"Your favorite jacket." She mumbled though not that quietly.

"I know, now don't loose this Kira I'm going to trust you on that okay?" He said, there was silence after that and I knew that she must've nodded her head because I saw their shadows move together as they hugged.

"I should help you rather than distract you." She said laughing a bit.

"No what you need is to go find a place to stay, cause our apartment is going to be vacant for the next few months." Soul said.

"But-" I walked out interrupting Kira's argument.

"Soul's right, go find a place quickly because it is getting dark." I said.

"Thanks maka for everything the past few days." She bowed.

"Your welcome Kira, have fun and study." I said and she ran out holding Soul's jacket closely.

"Are you done packing?" Soul asked from behind me.

"Almost just a few more things, then we have to get going." I said heading back up the stairs.

"Being away from home is going to feel weird." He said walking back to his room.

"Yeah." I responded, more to myself, as I walked in my room.

Soul ResonanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora