Tell Me What I Don't Know

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"Maka come on tell me what's wrong." My dad said standing next to me up on the roof.

"Dad it's nothing really, just go see Blair or whomever is working at that sleazy place you always go to." I said waving him off. I heard his mouth drop he slumped over onto the railing. I looked at him with a sort of glare. He gloomily walked off of the roof stairs but the door dust close after he left. I turned my head to see Tsubaki shyly walk up.

"Hi Maka, how are you doing?" She asked standing next to me.

"I'm doing great." I said smiling before looking away.

"That's a lie." She said quietly.

"Tell me something I don't know Tsubaki." I leaned against the wall.

"Soul's sorry, Maka he really is." She said.

"Then he should've come up to say it himself." I said turning around to see a vary pale soul in a wheel chair and an IV in his arm.

"I couldn't get them to bring me up here so Black Star helped." Soul weakly said.

"What the hell soul! You Gould be lying down and getting better not doing stupid stuff like this!" I angrily said trying walk away but Tsubaki got my arm.

"Will you at least talk to him?" She said sweetly. I sighed and nodded.

"Stay behind that door though." I leaned against the wall and watched as Black Star wheel soul next to me.

"Be nice you two!" Black Star said as Tsubaki pulled him out. We were alone but neither of us said anything.

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