Stolen Soul

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I woke up in the queen sized bed alone with a cold breeze ripping at my back. I turned around to see the window open slightly. I grabbed Soul's shirt that laid in the bed next to me and put it over my lace undergarments then got out and slipped on jeans from my open suitcase. I closed the window when I went to grab Soul's sweatshirt then ran downstairs.

"Macy do you know where Soul went?" I asked walking into the kitchen, no one was there.

"This is weird." I put on my boots and walked outside dialing Soul's number which wet straight to voicemail. Fear slowly crept over me. It was only seven thirty here and he never goes out this early, even if he did he'd wake me up or leave a note. I dialed Kid's number which he picked up apart instantly.

"Hello?" He answered groggily.

"Soul's gone, I don't know where he is. Macy is gone too!" I said nervously walking down the street to the academy.

"What do you mean Maka, calm down." Kid said.

"Soul is gone!" I said. I started shaking seeing the academy appeared in the distance behind clouds.

"Missing?" He asked.

"Yes damn it, missing!" I said. There was a bench and I sat on it out of breath from running.

"Calm down where are you?" He asked.

"A bench." I said leaning back.

"Where?" Kid asked, I heard a door shut and wind as he started running.

"By the stairs." I said and hung up. As soon as I did the phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number; 'He's mine now, you can't have him'.

"Damn it Kira!" I yelled getting up and turning to see Kid standing out of breath.

"What did she do?" He was holding onto my shaking body.

"She has him! She has Soul!" Tears started to stream quickly down my cheeks.

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