No Plan

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A month passed by with little communication with Professor Stein or anyone back at the academy. Soul and I had to practice new resonance techniques Stein introduced us with, we've been practicing them daily since there's nothing else to do. The next few weeks leading up to Soul's 18th birthday were overworked and tired as we worked to perfect the new techniques. Soul's birthday was at the end of the month, and as the second month came to an end we still had no information or orders about Medusa other than she can not recover from her sorry state. Which in fact was approved as Stein and I monitored her wavelength thuroughly.

Apart from working on resonating our souls, we had worked on hand to hand combat at the dojo down the street from our apartment. We spar at home with some mats we borrow from the dojo every night.

"Come on Soul, I know you're better than that." I said pulling him up from the mat.

"Sure I'm no Black Star," he paused pulling at his soulder, "but you throw a damn hard punch."

"Sorry about that," I laughed pulling him in close so our noses touched, "happy birthday." I kissed him with a smile.

"Thank you now we don't have time to waste celebrating it." He said moving back into ready stance.

"What do you mean?" I asked doing the same. I threw a kick at him and he blocked it with his arm, he tripped me but I rolled in it.

"I mean that we have to focus on being strong enough to beat Medusa." He said. I threw a few punches before he grabbed my arm and pulled me close disabling me.

"We don't have to tonight." I said knocking the back of his knee making him fall backwards but he didn't let go of my arms so I went down with him.

"One less night of training means less strength." He said going to stand up but I pulled him down freeing my hands an rolling to my feet.

"We're strong enough Soul, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Can't we please just calm down the work for 4 days a week?" I asked. He looked up breathing heavily, but he nodded.

"Yeah sorry Maka I just get nervous before facing opponents especially since we don't know anything about Medusa and what she is." He said lying back on the mat.

"Don't worry about it, I'm nervous too." I said lying down next to him.

"Let's shower and go out for the night, well the early morning since its only 1:30 and I turned 18 yesterday." He said sitting up.

"When we've won." I kissed his cheek when the tv started going off.

"It must be Stein." I said walking over.

"Hello, Professor Stein." I said, he smiled.

"We've got a slight read on Medusa, one of the scopes have gotten in undetected but the picture is static. At the moment we can't strategize a plan perfectly so you might be stuck there longer than thought." He said.

"Uh Professor Stein can we ask a big favor?" Soul said from behind me, Stein nodded.

"Yes Soul, what is it?" He said.

"Can you sell our apartment and everything inside and send us the money." Soul said I smiled to myself.

"So what your saying is..." Stein seemed confused.

"We want to transfer to the Europe Branch or at least move here and continue working for the DWMA." I said, there was a bit of silence.

"I'll see what I can do." Stein said. I squealed and jumped into Soul's arms.

"So that's what a happy 18 year old looks like, I've always wanted to dissect one." He laughed.

"So there's no plan for medusa?" I asked realizing what he said earlier.

"No but when we do we'll let you know. Stein out." The picture disappeared.

"Soul we have the apartment!" I said happily.

"I know I was there." He laughed kissing me.

"Now come on let's try five minutes." I said jumping over the couch and getting in a ready stance.

"I thought you said you wanted to be done." He said hoping over.

"Yeah but now I'm hyped." I laughed.

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