Winter Masacre

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"Maka wake up!" I groaned and rolled over onto my pillow.

"Maka!!" Soul yelled from outside my door.

"I'm awake!" I groggily said.

"Get you lazy butt out of bed!" He yelled. I smiled and threw one of my books at the door.

"Leave me alone Soul, I'm tired!" I yelled pulling my blanket over my head.

"Fine, have it your way, I'm making breakfast." He said. I closed my eyes peacefully again as I heard him walking away. I smelled the sweet smell of bacon and pancakes and smiled, he learned to cook better. Minutes later I heard the door quietly open and footsteps slowly crossed the floor. I laid still feeling a warm hand move hair from my face I couldn't help but smile.

"See I knew you were awake." Soul whispered in my ear, it tickled. Quickly and swiftly I took Soul's had and slung him over my bed onto the ground.

"Ow!" He said.

"Ha!" I yelled turning around to get up by felt something wrap around my waist.

"Soul-" my sentence was interrupted as soul yanked me down onto the ground with him. he held me tight on top of him.

"Soul let me go!" I laughed trying to push myself off of him, I eventually rolled over but he ended up on top of me.

"Wasn't so smart about that huh Maka?" He laughed, this time I held onto him. He started tickling my stomach, my weak spot.

"No soul, stop it!" I laughed so hard. I had him pinned down on the ground, he couldn't tickle me anymore, his wrists were locked in my hands, I sat on top of him. He suddenly whipped me around against the wall. I was pinned, my wrists in his hands, my shoulders laid tightly against the Creme wall. We were breathing hard. He still had his plaid pants and thin yellow t-shirt, he smelled of coffee and cologne. I looked into his scarlet red eyes, they seemed to glow. He smiled showing his perfect white fangs. A piece of hair fell in front of my face, he winked and I felt my cheeks grow red and I looked away.

"Come on, lets get you food." He released his grip on my hands and move the piece of hair from my face. He stood up and held out his hand for me to take, which I did. I almost fell getting up, but his hand quickly grabbed my waist and made sure I was stable before letting me go. I smiled and watched him lead the way to our little table in the kitchen, he pulled out my chair and waited for me to sit and pushed me in.

"Enjoy." He whispered in my ear, he was so close to me. I smelled his minty-coffee breath as he whispered. I smiled and felt my face flush.

"No Maka, what are you doing, you can't like him!" I thought to myself, "but I kind of..." I drifted beginning to eat.

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