Take Flight

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"Damn I forgot you can sense that through my wavelength. Damn that really concerns me about what else you can sense." Soul said siting down.

"You're not denying it." I nervously said. The seatbelt light clicked on, and the pilot came over the speakers.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, we'll be taking off in just a few moments. Just sit tight and keep your seatbelt buckled until we say it is okay to take them off." The man said in a nice, calm tone.

"Because it's true." Soul said almost as calmly as the pilot had just been.

"What the hell are you saying cause I'm confused Soul." I said feeling my palms get slightly clammy.

"Maka Albarn, I love you and if we're going to die in Paris I want you to know." He said taking my hands into his.

"Soul..." I began but I couldn't fun the words to explain how much I love him.

"Soul I'm..." My brain shut down.

"Don't say anything, I can't hear it." He sounded scared. I shook my head.

"Soul I love you." I said. He looks dumbfounded when I said that.

"Don't just say that because it's nice to say back." He said letting go of my hands.

"No Soul, I truly mean it. I'm deeply in love with you and I want you to know before we die." I said pulling his face to mine an kissing his lips, I felt him kiss back with passion.

"I didn't know you felt that way." He said leaning his forehead against mine.

"I didn't know about you either, but we're not going to die in Paris okay? We're going to survive this because we need to." I said running my hands through his hair once more before turning around to face the seat in front of us. Soul still grasped my hand as the plane started to move foreword and eventually take flight.

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