Healing Begins- Raphael

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You winced as you tried to stand on your own. It had been a week, but everything still hurt like it had when Mikey found you. You didn't tell anyone. You knew they were suspicious, but if you told them they would just stay closer. They would never leave you alone if they knew the true extent of damage done to your mind and soul. You knew you were broken, but you couldn't tell anyone. You knew you were not important enough to have such a fuss being made over you.

The guys were out on patrol at the time and you could not stay in Raph's bedroom anymore. You were going stir crazy and you needed to get out of there. You knew if the guys were there none of them would even let you out of bed. You had to do it now while they were gone. The only other one in the lair was Master Splinter and he spent this time while the guys were away in his room meditating.

You carefully stepped out of the room and out into the hall. You were slow and careful as you went down the stairs, your body protesting at every movement, but you kept going. You were not turning back now. You stepped off the last step and stood there for a moment, hoping that being still, even for a moment, would make some of the pain go away, even if it was momentary.

You caught your breath and started moving through the lair. You knew where you were going. The Dojo. It may have been the one room that saw the most violence, but it is where you felt the most at peace. You stepped into the dojo and took a deep breath. It smelled if incense that relaxed your body and made you want to never leave.

You slowly walked to the middle of the dojo and reached out to touch the large tree growing out the middle. You leaned against it as you took another rest, knowing that you needed to, at the least, take it slowly. You turned and slowly used the tree to lower yourself. You leaned against the tree and simply listened to the silence and smelled the relaxing scents.

A couple tears made tracks down your face as you sat there. You were so tired of fighting. Nothing good ever happened to good people so why did you even try. You couldn't continue the way you were, you knew that much, but you still didn't know what was wrong with you or how to fix it.

"I am broken" you murmured to the room in general, getting a slight feeling that you were no longer alone. You couldn't stand to keep it to yourself anymore. You had to tell someone and you hoped that they would understand because they were all you had.

A strong furry hand closed over yours. You flinched ever so slightly. You had known someone was there, but not that they were so close to you. The hand squeezed yours firmly and slowly, gently helped you to get back to your feet. You winced at the pain it caused you.

"You are not broken, Y/N. You simply have a few cracks in your shell. You are not the only one to go through pain and you are not the only one going through the pain you are feeling right now, but you will not let us in to help you. My son cares for you very much and he feels the pain you are going through. He wants to help you, but you must give him a chance to do so."

The wise old rat's words echoed through your mind as he led you out of the dojo and back up the stairs to Raph's room. He settled you in bed like a loving parent putting their child to bed. He was gone for a little while, but came back with some hot tea for the both of you. You drank your tea in his company; the silence between the two of you was quiet and peaceful. He did not expect you to say anything, he knew you would talk when you were ready and he wasn't going to push you. After you finished the tea, you realized how tired you were and didn't notice Splinter tucking you under the covers as you fell asleep. Nor did you notice him taking the tea cups away or even when he returned with some incense to help you relax more.

When you awoke the smell of incense filled your nostrils. Master Splinter must have put some in here after you fell asleep. The second thing you noticed was the sound of Raph sleeping on the floor next to your bed. He wouldn't touch you, because he knew you were scared and that you hurt. You thought about what Master Splinter had said. If it was true then you were not as much of a bother as you thought. You decided that you couldn't get any lower than you had been at last night, so you didn't have anything to lose.

Slowly, carefully, you got off the bed, taking the blankets with you and getting down on the floor next to Raph. You needed to be as close to him as you could be. You adjusted the covers so both you and Raph were covered. You did feel guilty that he only used a thin sheet. It was starting to get cold down in the sewers since fall was around the corner and you were cold with all the covers you did have. Raph shifted in his sleep and you moved into his arms, letting him hold you in his sleep. He unconsciously wrapped his arms around you and gently pulled you closer into his protective and loving embrace. You laid your head down on his shoulder, thinking that what you did had not woken him up or gone noticed.

"What do ya think ya doing?" Raph's sleepy voice murmured in your ear softly, causing you to jump slightly. He chuckled and pulled you closer, not letting you pull away. You gave up and snuggled into him.

"Being with you: You whispered back, causing him to chuckle again. He placed a kiss on your head and that is when you knew you were going to be ok.

"Ya going to be sore if ya sleep on the floor with me all night." was his reply.

"I have a way you could fix that. Get into the bed with me. Then we both can be comfortable." You didn't miss a beat as he slowly rose from the floor and lifted you to put you back in bed. He sighed at your words.

"I don wanna hurt ya." He mumbled to you as he tucked you back into the bed and turned to lie back down on the floor. You arched an eyebrow, knowing he couldn't see it. You were not giving this up.

You rose again and pulled the blankets with you as you got back down on the floor. Raph huffed at your stubbornness. You snuggled back into his arms again, but he didn't try to pull you close this time.

"If you don't sleep in the bed then I'm sleeping on the floor." You said stubbornly causing him to groan in slight annoyance. "You can huff and groan till you handsome green face turns blue or red or whatever color it turns when you run out of air."

Raph sat up and looked down at you. The silence made you want to squirm, but you lay still, waiting to hear his response.

"Are ya ok babe?" was his question that broke the silence. You knew what he was asking and you didn't know how to respond as you felt your eyes fill with tears. He pulled you into his arms as the tears started to fall and you started to cry. He lifted you and sat down on the bed, you cradled in his lap. He held you close as you cried, never saying a word as you did.

After what seemed like forever, you finally calmed down. You lay in his arms; the only sound in the room was your hiccups. You felt him lean over and grab something. A tissue was held to your nose.

"Blow" Raph murmured to you. After blowing your nose, Raph got another tissue and wiped your tears away. After he was done cleaning your face, he pulled you closer to him and held you tight.

"I love ya no matter what happened. I can't tell ya how sorry I am that I wasn't there to stop it, but if ya let me I will do everythin I can to make it up to ya. I am here for ya, and I ain't goin anywhere."

You leaned your head on his plastron, more tears made their way down your face. How could he love you after all that had happened? You could fight and defend yourself well, but you were helpless like a rag doll in that situation. You sat there and thought about it, trying to figure it out in your head. It wasn't until Raph said something that you realized you had been talking aloud.

"Oh babe" he murmured into your hair, "There was nothing you could do. Sometimes things just happen and there is nothing anyone can do about them. I hate not being able to do something, but som times dats what happens. I love ya anyways."

He slid down in the bed and covered the both of you with the blankets. You both laid in silence for a long while. You thought he was asleep, but he spoke again.

"Good ta know ya can't stand me outa ya bed for long though." He said and you knew he was smirking. Your eyes widened and your giggles filled the room. You lightly punched him on his shoulder causing him to chuckle.

He kissed you on the head.

"That's my girl" 

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