Together- Donatello

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You yawned as you pulled on a pair of plush pajamas. You were tired to the core and ready to go to sleep, but you wanted to wait for Donatello and his brothers to get back from patrol. You slipped on your plush slippers and pulled your plush robe on and tied the belt tight around your waist. You grabbed your blanket and headed for Donnie's lab. You knew that is where he would go to when they got back and you were going to snuggle up on the little cot he kept in the far corner.

Well, it wasn't a little cot. For that matter, it wasn't even a cot. It was a full sized bed, but they used it as a cot and hospital bed when needed.

You slipped into the lab and carefully made your way to the cot. Wrapping your blanket around your body as best as you could. You crawled up onto the cot and laid your head down on the pillow. You smiled at the scent that filled your nose. It smelled like burnt fuses and chemical mixtures. Most people would not like that smell, but to you it smells like Donnie.

You relaxed into the mattress and pillow and listened to the sounds of the sewers at night. You could hear the subway running through for a while before it got too far away and the normal sounds of the night, mostly silence.

Silence went so well with the dark that graced your life that you sometimes wondered if you even existed. Mabie you were just hid away in some other dimension and the world you were supposed to be in was just going on without you.

You were not sure how long you lay there and listened to the silence, but you slowly drifted to sleep in the midst of your thoughts. Not even the sound of the guys coming back from patrol penetrated your thoughts that had, by then, turned into dreams and then nightmares.

"I will analyze this tech and figure out how it works and what they could possibly be doing with it by morning." Donatello told his brothers as they headed for bed and he went to his lab. He was in there for a while, running scams and doing experiments on that recovered technology when a slight whimpering in the corner of the lab caught his attention.

You were in the dark, like always, and even though you couldn't hear anything, you could feel that someone was there with you. Normally you would feel comforted, but this presence didn't feel right. You were scared, but you didn't know why.

"Who's there?" you asked, it came out more like a whimper. You bit down on your lip as you waited for an answer, but it never came. You felt someone breathing on the back of your neck and no matter which way you turned, it went with you.

You couldn't see it, or hear it, but it was there and you felt your tears run down your cheeks. A set of long claws traced slowly across your back, not breaking your skin, just making patterns. A sob escaped your lips, but you couldn't hear it, only feel it as another followed.

Donnie was surprised to find you in the large cot in the lab. You were wrapped up in the blanket from your room and you were fast asleep, but your face was screwed up and you were starting to cry. Alarmed, Donnie knelt on the bed next to you and gripped your shoulders, shaking you gently.

"Y/N" he murmured in a soft voice, "Y/N, wake up. It's just a dream Y/N. Wake up. Everything is ok. You're safe." You bolded awake with a little scream, sitting up in the cot you had fallen asleep in. You were stopped and pulled close by a pair of large hands. You screamed again and struggled to get out of the grasp that held you captive.

"Donnie!" you cried out for your turtle love to come rescue you as you backed up to the wall in an attempt to get away. Hugging your knees to you, you started crying. The sound of feet running reached your ears.

"Don!" Leo's voice called out. "What's goin on?" Raph's rough voice asked as they reached the entrance of the lab. The voice of your turtle boyfriend answered from much closer. You realized that it was him who had grabbed you upon you screaming yourself awake. You whimpered again as he replied.

"Everything is ok. Y/N had a nightmare and screamed herself awake. I was too close to her and she screamed again. Everything is ok guys. Go back to sleep."

The sound of the guys retreating from the lab and heading back to bed was accompanied by the tension that was building.

"Donnie?" you whimpered in the silence. A soft sigh told you that someone was close.

"Come here angel." Donnie's voice murmured in a soft and soothing tone. You felt his hands touch your arms and you let out a sob as you scooched into his arms and left him draw you close. You cried as he sat there. He pulled you into his lap, then he lay down, you curled up on his plastron.

He rolled over to his side and pulled you even closer to him, holding you tight as you started calming down. The lateness of the night plus the energy you had just used up had tired you out even more. You slowly drifted back to sleep to the sound of your boyfriend murmuring soft words of comfort in your ear.

You were not the only one who was exhausted and soon, Donatello followed you into sleep. Neither of you aware of the fourth and youngest turtle that came into the lab again with a cup of hot tea. He saw the two of you sleeping soundly and grinned. You were like a sister to him and he cared for both you and his brother.

Mikey silently stepped up to the bed and pulled a blanket over the both of you, tucking you in for the night, before going to bed himself.

You were disoriented and cold as you woke up in the early morning hours. You groaned and rolled over. You were met with the sound of your boyfriend snoring loudly.

You giggled and the snoring stopped. You giggled again as large arms wrapped around you and pulled you close to a large, warm body. You snuggled in close, trying to soak up as much heat as you could.

"You're shivering." Donnie's voice murmured in your ear. He pulled you tighter and started rubbing his hands up and down your back vigorously. You pressed your toes to his feet and your nose to his neck.

"Ahh!!!" Donnie jumped at the feeling of your cold toes. You giggled at his reaction.

"That is what you get for rolling over and pulling the blankets away from me." You tried to scold him, but ended up giggling more. He chuckled and reached over to pull the blankets back up over the both of you.

"Do you feel better now?" he asked in a serious tone that said he wasn't talking about your being cold. You stiffened a little, but then relaxed again a moment later.

"I am now." You murmured. "As long as you are here with me, I will be ok." He hummed as he cuddled you close and the two of you drifted back to sleep.

Master Splinter smiled warmly from the entrance of the lab. He would not allow the others to disturb either of you that morning. Only three turtles would participate in training that morning. 

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