Living Nightmare Rescue- Donatello

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You gasped in pain as you put too much weight on your injured ankle and stumbled to the ground. The pain in your body was nothing compared to the pain in your soul.

You had been to see the doctor and found something horrifying. The hit to your head had restored your sight, but it was not lasting. Your sight was already deteriorated to the point that all you could see was bright and dark blurs. To make matters worse your aunt had gotten married. You were happy for her, but the your new uncle wanted to move to another state and he didn't want you in the way while they were starting their new life, so they had taken you back to your parents' house and signed custody over. It had been your first night back and you had been beaten terribly because you had tripped over the coffee table and broke it. It hadn't been in your way until your father pushed it in your path for amusement.

You managed to get to your room after they beat you and get down the fire escape. You stumble down to the sewers and there you sat. Your back against the wall as you waited for Raph to come get you. You had texted him that you were coming from a different route and needed him to come get you. You tried to breathe through the pain as you waited. Hot tears made their way down your face as you tried not to move so much. It hurt to cry, it hurt to breathe.

You were going to have Donnie look you over and patch you up. You heard large footsteps coming your way and readied yourself for the questions that were sure to come.

"Y/N?" came Raph's rough voice as he approached. You looked up to see a large looming figure, but that was all you could see. His intake of breath and low growl was all you needed to hear to know that he could see the cuts and bruises.

"Your parents?" he ground out as he stood over you. All the turtles and Master Splinter knew about what happened to you and why you were living with your aunt. You just found out about your aunt moving today and had not had a chance to talk more with Donnie or tell any of them about it yet.

You nodded painfully and he growled more.

"Your bags unpacked yet?" he said jumping to the right conclusions. You nodded again, only to hear him growl at you to stay put. He was gone for a few minutes and when he got back, he bent over and lifted you as gently as he could into his arms.

"Sorry if I cause you any pain. Let's get you back to Donnie." He murmured, trying to keep the anger out of his voice to calm you. You managed a smile, he had always treated you like the little sister he never had.

The swaying of his steps soon lulled you to sleep as he carried you back with him and, unknown to you, your belongings were in bags on his back as he carried you home. He was sure Donnie would agree with him that you were not going back to that place again.

When you woke up you were in a soft bed and judging from the noises, you were in the bed in your boyfriend's room. As you shifted to get up, a furry hand closed over yours and pressed your walking stick into it.

"Thank you Master Splinter." You thanked the rat, who had become like a father to you, respectfully.

"You will not need to be going back to that place, my child, Raphael has brought your things here and the spare room will be set up for you. You will stay here with us." Tears entered your eyes as you listened to his words to you.

"Y/N?" Donnie's voice called to you from the doorway. You sobbed at all the stress of recent events and finally started crying. The strong arms of your boyfriend wrapped around you and pulled you close, comforting you as best he could. It hurt to cry, but you couldn't help yourself. Donnie murmured to you that you need to calm down or your broken ribs were going to do some damage. He murmured that everything was going to be ok and that just made you cry harder.

After several minutes of trying to calm down and failing Donnie pulled away from you, you whimpered a bit, but relaxed as he sat back down next to you. You didn't hear him pick up something from the night stand.

"You're going to feel a bit of a pinch now Y/N. I am giving you something so that you can relax better and that will help you heal quicker." You listened to him as something was tied around your arm and you felt the pinch of a needle in your arm. A few seconds later it was pulled back out and Donnie pulled you close again, stroking your hair to calm you down.

A couple minutes later you felt unbelievably tired. You fought to keep your eyes open. You didn't want to end up alone.

"Don't fight it Y/N, go to sleep. You will not be alone for one minute. I promise..." he must have said more, but you did not hear. You had relaxed and fallen fast asleep.


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