Donatello- The Begining

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        “Donnie?” You called out as you stepped into your Boyfriend’s lab. You knew he was here, you had heard him from the entrance to the turtles home, where Raph had left you after escorting you through the sewers so that you would not trip and hurt yourself, or get lost.

        Donatello was on the other side of the room at his welding bench. You could hear the welder going and knew he would not be able to hear you over it. You took three steps to the right and sat on his work chair. You knew better than to go anywhere near the welder while Donnie was using it. You had no way of knowing if you were too close or where the sparks were flying. You would wait until he was done. You were in no rush.

        Why couldn’t you tell were the sparks were flying? Well you were blind, you had been since birth. You had been checked out by doctors and they had all said there was no medical explanation for why you couldn’t see. You had never felt sorry for yourself. You couldn’t miss what you had never had to begin with, right?

        You had spent your life studying hard, determined to prove to the world that you could do just as much as any sighted person could. You lived with your Aunt Lucy. Your parents were druggies and didn’t want to deal with a child at all let alone one who couldn’t see for any reason at all. Your Aunt took you in immediately, without hesitation. She had always been there for you and had done everything she could to help you have a good life. She had worked hard to support you and even homeschooled you when you surpassed the other children your age. You had graduated high school at the age of 14 and were currently in your sophomore year at College.

        You had met Donnie on a late night walk. You never had any trouble with going out at any time, because no one wanted to mess with a blind girl and if they did you had paper spray in your dress packet at all times. Your walking stick you used to make sure you didn’t run into anything was solid steel and you knew how to use it as well at Donnie could use his Bo Staff.

        You had been walking through a nearby park late at night. You had just finished some work that was especially hard and decided that you needed to get out and have some fresh air. After some punks that decided to steal your walking stick, you stumbled around, trying to get home or to a phone by memory. You wondered if you were just paranoid, but you were sure you could feel someone watching you. They had to be a ways away, too far away to call to for help, because you could not hear them breathing or moving.

        You continued on until you knew you had made a wrong turn. You were underwater fast and couldn’t get out. You hated water for this reason. You couldn’t see which way was down or up because you were blind. You were taking in water fast and started panicking. You were going to drown!

        The sound of something else hitting the water was lost to you as you started losing energy and everything started to slow down.

        Suddenly a large strong arm wrapped around your waist and started pulling you. That was the last thing you remembered as you blacked out.

        You listened to the sound of your boyfriend welding on something as you thought back to the night you had met Donatello. Looking back on it now, falling into that stupid pond was the best thing that could happen to you. It had brought you Donnie.

        “Hey baby” Donnie sounded; now standing right in front of you. You jumped a bit at his sudden closeness causing him to chuckle. “Your mind is somewhere else today?” he asked, “Like maybe what your doctor said earlier today?”

        You turned you head upwards to smile at him and listened as he leaned over and kissed your forehead gently. You guys hadn’t gotten as far as kissing each other on the lips yet. It had been six months, but you were both happy to take things slow. You both were quite serious about your relationship.

        You handed him the papers in your hand, the results from the doctor you had just been to see. As you listened to him going over what was written down you could hear someone silently entering the lab. You smiled at the feeling of Master Splinter’s hand settling on your shoulder to let you know he was there.

        “Hello Sensei” you greeted politely.

        “Hello my student” his wise voice responded as he waited with you to see what Donnie was reading. You heard someone else enter the room silently and from the smell of pizza guessed it was Mikey. You decided to ignore him until he said something.

        Donnie set the papers down on the work bench and took your hands.

        “I love you weather you can see or not. I always will.” He murmured, pulling you into a hug. You smiled into his shoulder.

        “Thank you Donnie. I love you to.” You replied.

        “We are all here for you (Y/N). We will always be here for you.” Master Splinter said from behind you. Your smile widened as you pulled out of your hug to turn so Master Splinter could see it, but you were interrupted by Mikey, finally saying something.

        “Dude! Should that be bubbling like that Don?” he asked from a few feet behind Donnie. You felt Donnie whirl around to see what Mikey was talking about. You felt him tense and start to say something, but there was a big explosion and you felt something hit you and throw you back, and then everything went black.

        When you came to you could hear Raph yelling at Mikey and Leo yelling at him. You could feel Donnie and Master Splinter leaning over you. You furrowed your brows.

        “(Y/N)!” Donnie murmured as you felt a cool wet cloth being placed on you head, by Master Splinter’s hand. Your head throbbed as you spoke.

        “Ow…” you winced. You heard Master Splinter chuckled at your response. “What happened? Was anybody hurt?” you asked as you tried to sit up. Donnie held you down.

        “No. Don’t try to sit up, just rest here for a bit. There was an accident, you were thrown against a rack and hit your head. It is bleeding a bit, but it isn’t bad. You didn’t hit it too hard, but just stay here for a bit.” You heard Donnie say as you opened your eyes, not that you really needed to. Your eyes widened on their own.

        “Are you sure it was just a little bump Donnie?” you asked. You could hear the frown in his voice as he replied.

        “Does it hurt somewhere else baby?” he asked, concerned as ever. You felt you lip tremble as you reached up and whipped a tear away from his cheek.

        “(Y/N)…?” Donnie’s voice trembled as you did this and drew your hand away.

        “I can see you Donnie.” You whispered as a smile spread across your face. “I can see you!” 

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