Everything Changes- Raphael

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"I DONE WITH YA LEO!" you jumped up from your spot on the couch, where you had been dozing off. You could hear Raph stomping through the lair and up to the garage where he kept his motorcycle.

"It happens more often than now." You sigh to Mikey that was on the other end of the couch playing video games. You, very drowsily, lifted yourself from the couch, the blankets dropped to the floor, but you just stepped over them, leaving them there on the floor. You would pick them up later.

You made your way towards the garage; your mind was still in sleep mode. You stumbled a bit on your slippers just outside the doors.

"Careful Y/N." Leonardo said in a warning voice from right behind you. You knew he was warning you about your footing, but Raphael apparently did not.

You heard his voice before you were at the door. He let lose a string of curses directed at Leo that you would defiantly be talking to him about later, when he was in a better mood.


You knew Leo was a few feet behind you and you growled under your breath as you heard him reply as he walked up behind you. You touched the door and started to swing it open.

"No Raph, I wasn't..." whatever Leo was about to say was cut off by a blinding pain through your head that spread through your body. Your feet went out from under you as you blacked out.

"Y/N!" Leo cried out as he lept forward and caught your body as it dropped. He stopped you from hitting the floor, but the clang of the wrench Raph had hurled across the room rang through the entire lair, catching the attention of everyone there.

Days later and you had still not woken up. Raph was a wreck. He wouldn't look at you. He wouldn't go near the Lab where you were laid. He wouldn't even leave his room. He didn't eat. He didn't sleep. He didn't talk. He did nothing. The thoughts that went through his mind were made by him to torture him and nothing that his family could do could pull him back from his mind.

After day three Donatello was forced to make him sleep with a small injection and hook him up to an IV for nutrition. Someone was always in the room with Raph and someone was always in the lab with you.

Your head was throbbing with pain as you drifted into awareness. You groaned as you turned your head away to the side. You didn't know what was above you that bothered you so much, but when you turned you head to the side it felt better.

"Y/N?" a soft murmur came from your left side. It sounded like Mikey. You turned your head, flinching at whatever was above you.

"Mikey?" you said, trying to sound fine, but it came out as more of a whimper. You heard something dripping, like a rag being rung out, and then something wet and cool soothed over your forehead.

"Don't try to move Y/N. Just stay quiet and rest. Your going to be ok now. I'm going to go get Donnie. We will be right back." Mikey's voice sounded like it was tired and scared. You briefly wondered what he was scared of, but didn't stay long on the subject. The cool damp rag felt good on your eyes, as you pulled it over your eyelids. You noticed something just as you heard someone enter the room and make their way to you.

When you pulled the rag over your eyes the darkness got darker. You froze for half a second and sat up, your head spinning.

"Don't sit up just yet Y/N!" Donnie's anxious voice said as he tried to get you to lie back down, but you slapped his hands away irritated at his interference.

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