Neglected- Michelangelo

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You had been down in the lair with the turtles and their rat father for weeks now and lately you couldn't put your finger on it, but you were beginning to have a problem with Mikey's video game playing.

It wasn't the point that you couldn't play and he could. He had started playing a new game a couple weeks ago and it was a game that you could play with other people from around the globe. Mikey really liked playing that game and when he was on with other people he was a whole other person. He had people to interact with that didn't see him and run from fear.

You were happy for him, but when he was talking to the people he played with, he tended to ignore you. You didn't like that one bit, but you didn't want to say anything because he was so happy being able to talk to other people this way you didn't want to spoil it for him.

You got up that morning and padded down to the living area. You got half way to the couch and realized that he was already on that game. You stopped and turned around. Mikey was supposed to be spending time with you today, but if he was on the game you knew it wasn't going to happen.

"Where you going Angel Cakes?" Mikey's voice called out through the lair, making you stop and turn towards where he was.

"I'm just gonna go back to bed." You whisper, barely loud enough to be heard. Your head was down, looking at the floor, if you could see, that is. "You're playing your game so we won't be going and doing anything together, there is really no point in getting dressed to do something if we are not going to do anything." You turned and went as fast as you could back to your room. You slid you slippers off under the edge of the bed and climbed back into bed. You pulled the blanket over your head and laid there. You were not tired, but with Mikey playing his game, you had nothing else to do.

You jumped slightly at the sound of the door opening slowly. Who could be in here? Someone's feet padded across the room and you knew who it was.

"I thought you were playing your game Mikey?" Your voice trembled with the tears you were desperately trying to hold back. You couldn't stop the tears that tracked down your face. You were facing away from him and hoped that he wouldn't come in far enough to see your tears.

You felt his large hand on your arm. He gently turned you so that he could see your face. His large fingers whipped away the tears and he lay down next to you and pulled you into his arms.

"You are way more important than a video game Angel Cakes. I'm sorry that I have been ignoring you lately. It won't happen again. I promise." He whispered in your ear, pulling you closer. He placed a kiss on your head as you stopped crying and snuggled closer to him.

After you had calmed down, both of you left the room and headed into the kitchen. Mikey lifted you up and sat you on the counter top.

"Stay there" he told you, making you giggle as he walked over to the fridge and started pulling stuff out. You wondered what he was making when he handed you a wooden spoon and set a bowl in your lap.

"Stir this for me" he said as he walked away from you. You giggled again as you stirred whatever was in the bowel. You could smell some of the ingredients and was sure it was stuff for pizza crust dough.

The rest of the day was spent baking and making a mess in the kitchen. Mikey didn't touch any video game for the rest of the day.

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