Michelangelo- The begining

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        “Mikey! (Y/N) is here!” Leo yelled out into the lair as he helped you into their home. You had been waiting outside the nearest manhole for someone to come get you. You could find your way around the lair, but you needed help getting there still.

        You were completely blind, you had been since birth. You did fine with what you had. It was hard to miss something you never had.

        You had met Mikey one night after ending a terrible blind date with a young man your friend set you up with. You couldn’t truthfully even call it a date. He came up to the door, but as soon as he saw you, he pretended to get a phone call and left.

        You were used to people acting like that around you. They were either scared and didn’t want anything to do with you or they were extra careful and didn’t think you could do anything. You went up to the roof of your building and sat on a lawn chair you kept up there.

        You hardly noticed anything else from the tears streaming down your face. That was when you met Michelangelo and his brothers, and your life took a turn for the good.

        “Hey babe!” Your loving boyfriend’s voice called out from the couch, pulling you away from your memories. You could hear the sounds of the video game he was playing and you smiled.       

        You walked over and sat down next to him. The couch shifted as he paused his game and kissed you hello.

        “Hey Mikey!” You giggled as you kissed him back. His game started up again. You leaned your head on his shoulder, content to sit there with him for the moment.

        You knew Leo had gone into the dojo and started sparing with Raph. You could hear Donnie in his lab, banging on something or other. That only left one other person. You smiled brightly.

        “Hello Master Splinter!” You chirped cheerfully. A deep chuckle sounded to your right.

        “Hello my child.” Master Splinter greeted warmly. “How are you today?” You brightened up even more. Now was the time to share your good news.

        “I am wonderful! I had a doctor’s appointment today. They think that there is a chance that I could see with some surgery. I might be able to see for the first time in my life!”

        You had anticipated the reaction. Silence echoed through the room.

        “I am happy for you (Y/N).” Master Splinter finally said. You felt the couch shift as Mikey got up from his spot from beside you.

        “May I speak with you for a moment Sensei?” He asked his father.

        “Of course my son.”

        They walked off into another room to speak. You wanted to follow them. You knew what was coming and you wanted to comfort Mikey as much as you could. You didn’t want him to worry needlessly, but you stayed put and soon they were back.

        “(Y/N) I need to tell you something.” Mikey said nervously as he started to pace a couple feet in front of you.

        “I know” You said, your smile never leaving your face.

        “It’s going to be hard for you to hear…” He continued.

        “I know…”

        “And you probably won’t believe me…” He still didn’t seem to be hearing you.

        “I know…”

        “I’m a turtle!” He gasped out in a nervous rush. You reached out and caught his hand and pulled him to your level and framed his face so you knew he was looking at you.

        “Mikey… I know.” You said firmly. You heard Master Splinter chuckle from behind you as Mikey continued.

        “I know that it is going to be hard to accept and I understand if you… wait! What!?” What you had said finally sank in. You giggled and kissed him on his head.

        “Mikey!” You laughed, “I may be blind, but it is hard to miss the large shell on your back or the difference in our skin and hands and feet. You live in the sewers Mikey.”

        “How long have you known?” He asked in an amazed tone. You smiled again.

        “From the beginning.” You said simply as you felt him pull you close.

        “And you never said anything.” He said in amazement. You smiled again as you found his lips and kissed him thoroughly.

        “It never mattered.” You said simply. 

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