Healing begins - Michelangelo

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When you woke up your head hurt from all the crying you had done the previous night. After being carried back to the lair by your concerned boyfriend, you had managed to keep it together long enough to get to the room they had put together for you before breaking down and crying yourself to sleep.

You lay there now in your perpetual darkness, not ready to get up and face the day, when you noticed something. Someone had removed your shoes and jacket and tucked you in under the covers. You knew it had to be Michelangelo. He must have come in sometime after you had fallen asleep and done his best to make you comfortable. You smiled softly to yourself.

"You didn't have to do that." You murmured in the darkness, knowing that if he can into your room to make sure you were ok, he was probably still there.

"Yeah I did" Mikey's sleepy voice murmured from the floor next to your bed. You could hear him as he stood up and walked out the room. He came back a few minutes later and sat on the edge of your bed.

You felt him brush your hair back from your face and a cool wet cloth was placed on your head. More tears welled in your eyes and Mikey gently whipped your face with the cool cloth and settled the cloth on your forehead, soothing your headache somewhat.

"Don't cry sweetheart. I am going to take care of you and you are never going to have to worry about anything again, but please don't cry anymore." Mikey murmured to you as he lifted you up and settled you on his lap.

You sniffed back your tears as you snuggled into his plastron. You couldn't do much, but he didn't seem to care about that. He loved you enough to want to take care of you forever, even though it meant he was going to take up a lot of time and effort to do it.

"You are never a waste of time or effort." Mikey murmured in your ear, making you realize that you had just said those things out loud. You felt his hand on your chin, lifting your face to his. Suddenly you felt his lips on yours as he kissed you.

His lips met yours and shivers of pleasure went down your spine. He kissed you gently, not trying to rush anything, just trying to show you how much he loved you. You were not sure how long the kiss lasted, but had to pull away when your air was running out. You pulled back, gasping for breath and he chuckled, making you blush and turn your head. You hid your face in his shoulder, your face was warm and you knew it was a bright red with your blush.

"You are not a bother to anyone down here. I think it is shame that your parents could not see what an amazing girl you are. You are smart, beautiful, talented and amazing. I don't want you to think that you are anything less." You wrapped your arms around him as he pulled you close to him.

"I think that's the smartest thing he's ever said in his life." Raph's voice came from the doorway, causing you to laugh. You knew all his brothers were standing there. You heard them walk up when Mikey was kissing you.

"I think that's the only smart thing he has ever said." Donnie's voice added. You felt Mikey stiffen as he set you back down on the bed. He got up and you could hear him chasing his brothers around. You laughed some more as you heard Leo walk into the room and stand next to the bed. He took your hand and helped you up and out into the living area. You sat down on the couch as you listened to Leo break up Raph and Mikey before heading to the dojo.

Donnie went into his lab and came back out.

"Here is some aspirin Y/N." Donnie placed a couple pills in your hand and a small cup in the other. You took the pills and chased them down with the water, handing the cup back to him. Donnie then disappeared back into the lab.

Mikey came to sit down next to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap. He rested his head on your shoulder and you smiled. It was impossible to be sad for long around him and you didn't even want to try anymore. You were here with him and his family. They all loved you and cared for you in some way. You would do just fine down here.

You turned in his lap and nestled your head in the crook of his neck and sighed.

"I love you Michelangelo" 

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