Back To Basics

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guten tag, hi, i am dinah and i am currently 18 and the'owner' of thi account. i say 'owner' and not owner, because i no longer write on here, and haven't done since i was 16, and this fic will remain incomplete.
still, feel free to read and enjoy :)

also uwu follow my twitter, where i am unfunny and unclever - @elskertaes
vielen dank


Calum is cool, confident and kind. Michael is, shy, a little dorky and well liked by everyone.
Together they make the perfect pair, a relationship so amazing g nobody could find a fault.
But when they get into a devastating car accident, Michael forgets everything.

His name.
His friends.
His family.
And Calum.

Can they get by when Michael has gone, Back To Basics?

Strong language
Top! Calum
Hospitalised accidents

Pairings: Lashton & Malum
Updates: Undecided

Oh hey!!!! So this is a new fanfic which I have been dying to post for like months. Yeah.
Nerdy Sherlock:3

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