"Your Highness!" She gasped, bowing her head. She cleared her throat and I could see her chest rising and falling with every nervous breath she took.

Waving my hand, I walked along the railing and said, "You mustn't call me such things when I know so little about you. How do I know you aren't royalty, yourself?" I joked, and she smiled while lowering her eyes to the ground beneath her.

"Not I," She quietly said, before raising her eyes back to me. "I am miss (Y/N) from the kitchen, but the gardener has fallen ill and I've offered myself to take over her duties this once. I always thought the garden would be a more satisfying place to spend my mornings." She shyly intertwined her fingers in front of her and averted her eyes to the greenery around her, blooming with fresh flowers for the season.

A thought came to my mind and I asked her, "Is it you that always leaves a note on my tray? But you've never left a signature so I'm never sure who to thank for such pleasant messages." I could see a crimson blush on her face and she laughed a small laugh, nodding slowly.

"That would be my doing, Sir," She admitted, "I always thought your meal might taste a little better, knowing those of us in the kitchen have made it with nothing but love." She pressed her lips together and I couldn't bring myself to stop smiling at her. 

When a silence had fallen upon us, I quietly told her, "I've kept every one."

"Pardon, Sir?" She squeaked, gliding her hands along the sides of her work dress. 

"Every one of your notes," I explained, "I've kept them." She seemed overjoyed by this, and I watched her grin widen. 

She then bowed to me and softly spoke, "It is my honor to have spoken with you, Your Highness. However, I am due back in the kitchen for breakfast. Surely the others will be needing me."

"Of course," I smiled, bowing to her. She froze. A prince rarely bows to anyone of lower status than their own. In fact, my father would say it was despicable - for a prince like myself to bow down to a kitchen maid like her. "When shall I see you again?" I asked, ignoring the shock on her face.

She stuttered, unsure of how to respond. "U-uh, I-" She stopped to quickly gather her basket of gardening tools, "I don't know, Sir. I must go." My face fell and I watched with a frown as she hurried away, disappearing from my view. Surely I hadn't frightened her, had I? I was feeling slightly offended as I ventured back to my bedchamber. 

*Your POV*

My heart was fluttering in ways I didn't know were possible. Not only had I just spoken with the Prince, but he asked to see me again! I felt like a little girl who'd just had her first kiss, though I hadn't even been close enough to touch him! I was floating, but I knew I couldn't allow my jittery mind to get in the way of my duties. When I returned to the kitchen, with a dumb smile on my face, all eyes turned to me. "You're late, my dear!" Sang Mary, the head chef in the palace. She turned her back to me as she stirred a pot of oatmeal. 

I cleared my throat and forced a flat expression on my face, mumbling, "I'm sorry, miss! The - the garden took a bit longer than I expected."

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