"We talked a couple times, not that much. " he said in response. She is pretty, I understand why she likes her. I just don't understand why Leo would do that to me. He should have just told me and I would have understood perfectly why. But instead he dated her behind my back.

"Ilhoon, I don't know how I feel anymore." I told him. I dont even want to think about what happened anymore. But every time I go anywhere I'm reminded of him in small bits.

Since we broke up, his rumors hit full force. The dating rumors of Bomi and Him were what everyone was talking about. Breaking up just confirmed it.

I remember going on my social media sites right after it all happened. I didn't have any new things but fans were blowing up my notifications. Some with hate, some with longing for me to comeback, others were questioning what I was doing with Luhan, but most were if sympathy of the break up and being cheated on.

I remember seeing so many cheer up Unnie, or Noona posts that I did start to feel better.

Ilhoon touched my shoulder. "Its going to be better. You're back home now. " I snickered at home. Am I really?

I was to have my hair dyed for interviews and appearances. After I left, Dae really took up an interest in acting. Cube is fully supporting him. Its decided that J&D would be a side thing for the both of us. There would be a couple of concerts and public events that we would have to attend, but that was it for us.

My concern is on my solo career right now. We decided to just move on with my singing while Dae continues acting for the time being.

As the weeks passed I went to many different interviews. Sporting my upcoming album Gold. All the tracks are being recorded now and I'm already learning the dance for the title track. Other than that, I was allowed to share my experience back home.

They suggested that I don't talk about the break up or him dating Bomi. They said that I could say anything I wanted. They just were sure it would only end up hurting my image as an idol.

I decided to go with them. It was the only way to have this album continue and go forward without any real crashes. I'm scared there will be too many.

It's already hard enough keeping up with the dance. My time in America made me lose a lot if motivation for being fit and active.

My life was beyond active. As the months past, I had the whole album done, the video was in process, unlike my others this one is taking longer. I was on the set four days a week. The other three I would be either meeting with reporters and going to auditions for the show Raw.

The first day I went, I sat with Jimin on one side of me and Sojin on the other. Bora would talk to me next to Jimin, Ki sat silent at the end. I was uncomfortable at first.

Then the talent came on. Sojin and I evaluated the selction of idol vocals. I even personally knew some of the idols that auditioned to be on the show. Jimin, Bora and Ki evaluated the unknown female rappers.

After three weeks of steady elimination and picking we found the cast.

There would be ten women rappers and 20 well known idols that would be paired with them.

I stood up and placed the folder in my bag. We just annouced the cast for the show. I looked to the side, Ki was packing up. My mouth became dry. I been trying to talk to her all week but when the chance comes I become too nervous.

I have to do it. "Hey," I felt an arm pull around my shoulder. I looked to the side. Sunggyu. He's confirmed for this season. I smiled.

"Hey." I replied.

"Want to go get a drink and catch up?" He asked. I smiled and looked over to Ki. I turned back.

"Maybe next time? I have something I need to do." I said and he nodded in understanding. He pulled his arm away.

"I'm buying though, as a thank you for getting me on here. " he said and I nodded. Free drinks? Yes.

"Thank your voice. " I said with a smile and waved goodbye.

I caught up with Ki as she reached the door. When she saw me her eyes widened. We were supposed to be on good terms.

"Hey. " I said breathlessly. I tilted my head forward. "Can we talk?" I asked. She looked forward and back to me.

We sat at the corner of a coffee shop. She wrapped her hands around the mug. "How have you been?" She asked.

"Good. " I answered. "And yourself?" I asked. She nodded.

"Good. " she looked to the side. "JinHai has been doing good," she answered. "They're all doing new things now. You know Hee-Young has her own radio show?" She asked and I nodded. It was called 143Kiss Radio. I listen to it at times.

"She's really good on it. I enjoy it." I said. She nodded and dropped her eyes.

"Sang got in trouble. " she said softly. I brought my eyes down. I nodded.

"I heard. How is she?" I asked.

"A lot of investigators are always questioning her. I think she's going to break soon. We all know its true. " she said and sighed. She leant back. "They all think its the end of us now. " she said sighing. "We can't afford to lose another strong vocal. "

I brought my eyes down guiltily. "You guys still have Yvonne." I said suggestively.

"You know her voice is more soft than strong. We can't put all the vocal pressure on her. Hi-Sook will probably become lead vocal now but its hard for her to hit high notes. Hee-Young will be more featured as a vocal. " she said and brought the mug up.

"What's SM doing about this?" I asked.

"They're trying to save her, but its only time now. " she said and pushed her hair out of the way. "I don't want SM to be stupid and add someone new into the group." She said and I nodded.

"You know you could make it as a solo rapper if anything happens. " I told her. "You're talented." I said. She nodded.

"They already offered me a solo career. I'm working on it. " she said. "I'm just worried about the others. " she said. "Some of them have been in this industry for as long as they can remember. What ate they going to do when we break up?" She asked. We hoped for the best for everyone.

To Love Again | Sequel to SaranghaeWhere stories live. Discover now