Chapter 3

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To Love Again | Sequel to Saranghae
Chapter 3
Normal is boring

I pushed the cart, as Dae went to grab items. I sighed. "Why am I always stuck with the cart?" I asked, a small whine to my voice. He looked back from grabbing milk.

"Cause you're beefy. " he said and stuck his tongue out when I rolled my eyes.

"I swear, Dae, I'm going to get you one day." I said as I pushed the cart. He chuckled and went back to the aisles. His hair was in his face today, mine was too. We were hiding our identities.

Ever since J&D, we got highly popular. Everywhere we go someone recognises us. Of course half the time they want to get into Dae's pants. It's hilarious because he's so inexperienced, he tries to act like he knows what he's doing, but in the end he's just standing there awkwardly.

"What do you want to eat later?" Dae asked, looking back. I shifted on my feet. My ankle is a little sore. I never really recovered from the injury, now and then I could still feel pain strike through.

At the time I didn't realize how serious the injury was. Even with Cube they don't let me do much dancing in fear that I'll hurt if further. I thank them for that.

"I don't know, are the guys coming over?" I asked. He nodded and reached for the yogurt. He grabbed the wrong one.

"Not that one, " I said. He looked up, I moved my hand and pointed to the one beside it. "That one tastes better. " I said and he nodded and grabbed that one instead. He showed me the label and I nodded.

"That's it. " I said and he sighed, placing it in the cart.

"Why are you so picky?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I like what I like. " I said bluntly and pushed the carriage. "Dae, dae, " I called in a sing songy voice. He turned and raised an eyebrow. I grinned widely.

His features are so clean. Its very handsome in a way. I get why so many girls fawn over him. When they told me I was in the group with him, I wasn't really thrilled on the idea. He had a bad boy look and I was afraid of that.

"When are they coming?" I asked. Btob is hanging over my apartment. We would go to Dae's, but in short, Dae is a slob.

"They should be there around six. " he said and I walked over with pursed lips. I bumped my hip with his. He brought his eyes down to mine.

"Do you think Ilhoon Oppa will finally marry me?" I asked with a sigh as I grabbed another carton of yogurt. I read the back, in what little English it had. I pursed my lips in a pout.

He scoffed and patted my shoulder, "It could happen, " he said and then muttered, "in your dreams. " I sent him a glare.

"It will happen. He wants me. " I said cockily as I placed it into the cart and made him push it in return. He laughed.

"I think he's getting really uncomfortable, by the way, I think you went a little too far last time. " he said as we turned a corner. I looked back with a smirk.

"Was the hug too forward?" I asked. He pursed his lips.

"I think it was the part where you told him you two were meant to be together. " he said and I chuckled while remembering the look of freight on his features. Priceless.

"He knows I was kidding, right?" I asked. I mean I wouldn't mind being married to Ilhoon, I would love it actually. Ilhoon Oppa...

"I don't think so. " Dae said as his eyes roamed the shelves. I shrugged.

"Oh well, I'm pretty sure all the other idols already think I'm really weird." I said as we grabbed stuff and tossed it into the cart.

"Well you don't really try to set the proper image. Remember that time in Vietnam?" He asked with a chuckle. I kept a straight face as I turned the package over.

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