XlX: Gathering Evidence

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     It was about 3am. An hour till Edwards’s flight. In that time the file must be in the grasp of my hands. If Edward happens so see me, then they'll know that I know everything and then everything will be over. It's seriously do or die right now. My each step is very crucial; if I mess up one time the whole outcome can change. Knowing where I stand, I grabbed a black sheet that I found in my drawer and tied it around my face, covering the nose down to my mouth. My eyes left open so I can still see my surroundings. This way they can't see me but I can see them. I made sure its extra tight, just encase while fighting off the guards; it doesn't get loose and fall off.

     Before setting off, I recited the plan in my head.  

     Step one... Make it to the front gate of his house.  

     Step two...... Take out the security guards one by one, while staying out of Edward's view. 

     Step three... Enter the building  

     Step four..... Find the safe                         

     Step five.... Wait till Edward opens it and get a clear shot at the file  

     Step six..... Swiftly grab the file and run with all my might  

     Step seven.... Make it back to my bed before anyone catches me.

     As I recited it, I knew how crucial each and every move was and how easy it was to fail but I have to stay strong. Like a thief I sneakily went thought the window, and slid down the pipe, and made sure to stuff my bed with pillows to look like I was there. Just in case Hina decides to pay a visit to my room.

     I made it outside, now I just have to get to Edward's house. As the distance was a little far away. I made it about 3:40 am to his house. Step one complete. As expected there were security guards in front of the gate to the house. Before, making any move, I looked around my surrounding. The only way inside Edwards’s house was the front gate. If I went through anywhere else, the security alarm would set off and I would be caught.

     Slowly, and steading my pace, I was only centimeters away from the guard. Quietly, I grabbed out a towel, and held it against his mouth. The other guard, quickly noticed as the guard I was making unconciense groaned, trying to breath. I kicked that guard in the stomach, as the guard gasping for air finally fell unconscious. I quickly grabbed the other guard and kicked him so hard; he lay in the ground, unable to move. I moved the two bodies against the wall to make it look like they were still on guard. Step two complete.

     I looked around if Edward or any of the guards were in sight. When the coast was clear, I climbed over the gate and now I was in front of Edwards’s mansion. Step three complete.

     While reciting my plan, I forgot one step. I made it across the gate but how do I get in the house? I quickly ran towards the house, my back facing the wall, so no one can see me from the inside. Unknowingly, I bumped into a pipe. A smile arose as I quickly climbed the pipe, now knowing where it'll take me. As I reached for the window, I shoved it open. I came across a dark room. I looked at my watch 3:50. Ten minutes till Edwards’s dismissal. He must be at the safe by now. I had to find him, before light was shown. Since it was so dark in this room, and I couldn't see, I decided to use my other senses, hear and touch. My hands began to find the door, as my ears were trying to hear for any whispering and footsteps. Finally my hands came across a doorknob. I waited for silence and then quietly opened the door. I was surprised that I entered a gigantic room, with all luxuries you can think off. I gulped as this had to be Edwards room. This couldn't be easier. I looked at my watch 3:55. Edwards was going to come, and that's when I heard footsteps. I quickly found a hiding spot and hid there. Through the little peep, I could see Edward's back, bending down, which I assume was to reach the safe. Suddenly, he turned his back, and I looked away. Slowly, I looked at Edward again, the safe was open. Step four complete. 

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