XIV: Painting to New Heights

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                    Both of us still had a smirk on our face as we let go of each other's hand.

                    We walked to the nearest room, and I shut the door behind me. By the time the other co-workers came we left the room!

                     "Are you ready?" I asked Hina.

                     "Of course!" Hina gave me a reassuring smile in return.

                    "Then let’s get moving." I gestured my hand towards the backyard of the Palace! We both walked in a mannered fashion. When we came to the half-way point we both departed our ways.

                      "Oh," I spoke out and Hina and I both turned around at the exact same time. Hina raised her eyes brows, her body language showing me "what is it!"

                        "NO tricks!"

                       Hina chuckled and replied back with her annoying tone "NO smart remarks!"

                      Oh and another thing! Don't be under the impression, that we are now friends since we're helping each other out! You’re the only person that can make Nevada like me again! It sucks to say that.... well, I could do it on my own but as you see I don't have time.

                    "Whatever!" Hina blurted out as she went to her assigned location. I felt so stupid! Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

                         I gave her the annoyed look too and we both walked to our designated spots.

                         "May I have you attention, everybody!" Hina stood on the podium the exact spot where she is going to say those two words that will cause destruction to my life “I do!" All the employees gathered around like little babies fighting for the bottle of milk! Except for Jayce he stood at the back where he always stood.

                       "I have an announcement to make, and I need your full co-operation." All the employees started to whisper to the person next to them. I looked at Jayce, who was looking around the backyard with his eyes. He couldn't possibly be looking for me. Can he? NO? Why would he? Well we are dating? I shook the thoughts out of my head. I couldn't afford to mess up this time.

                    Hina raised her hand to get everyone's attention and in less than a second everyone stood in their spot  like a statue.

                         "As you all know, Evelyn ran away weeks ago, with the some of the money held in our safe. Well, not too long ago I found Evelyn right here in our palace!" Hina had to pause and the audience began bickering with one another.

                         I saw Jayce frantically looking for me. The pain he must be in. He worried about me so much and me, I just used him for my own benefits. But, it was for Nevada! The one of the many things my parents have taught me was to keep Nevada safe from harm. I wouldn't be able to do this without using him! I felt soo guilty! But, I promise I'll make it up to him. Somehow... Right now I have to take care of Nevada! Nevada comes before LOVE! I can’t be selfish and risk Nevada being destroyed just for love! He'll understand! I know he will!

                             I kept my eyes on Hina, who began to continue with our planned speech!

                          "She came pleading for forgiveness. That she was acting like an immature teenager! She wants to be here for all of the Nevada citizens and act like the princess she should be! Today she is here to ask for forgiveness and pay her debt. She will work here as one of my workers and prepare my wedding! With your co-operation let's give a warm welcome to Evelyn!"

Revenge For The DeceasedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon