XVIII: Discovering Secrets

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     After, faking doing my work for about an hour or so, I decided to check what Hina was up to. I wasted enough time, now I have to come with a full proof plan on how to stop the wedding. In the hours I was doing nothing, but pretending to paint, I kept thinking of different scenarios. Nevada won't believe me, so I need proof. Maybe, I could take a recording of her saying, her evil plan. That sounded like the best option, saying she kept bringing up my parents in every conversation we had. Well, almost every. Maybe, this whole thing will be over once and for all. The wedding was in 10 days. I only have 10 days to stop it, I kept repeating in my head. 

     I went inside the palace in search for Hina. I just wanted to invade her personal space and annoy her but also see what she is doing. This is what she gets for bringing me back. I spent several minutes wondering around, on the look for Hina. In the corner of my eye, I saw a small door open, and a shadow. I crept closer, and as I did I could hear Hina's voice. Who was she talking to? I crept even closer until my eyes went through the open of the door. It was Edward! I decided to ease drop on their conversation.

     "The wedding is in ten days, we can't afford to screw up now." Hina having direct eye contact with Edward. By the looks of it, it seems like their hiding something. Something that... can stop the wedding, perhaps? I started to smile, as I thought that must be the only way, Hina was freaking out right now.

     "I know. Don't worry. The wedding will go on. We already pulled off 25 days; it’s just a matter of a mere ten." Edward on the other hand, sounded fully confident, not like Hina, who looked like she was going to explode anytime soon.

     "I hope you're right, but on the safe side, you have to stay low. It'll benefit both of us." Benefit? How? What are they talking about?

     "Fine, how about I just leave for the US. I can say it's for business." Why does Edward have to leave? How does this relate to the wedding? 

     "No, that will just rouse suspicion, and you have to be here for the final week for the wedding. No groom leaves like that and just reappears on the day of the wedding."

     "I don't have to be here and no one will find out because I actually do have some business to do. I'll be here the day before the wedding."

     "I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about this but do what you think is right. Just don't screw up, or it's the end for both of us. Understood?" The end? If Edward stays will the wedding be over? Weird questions started to pop in my brain, trying to make sense of their conversation. 

     "Okay, it's settled. I'll book my flight for early morning around 4am. And I’ll be back one week from tomorrow."

     "Okay." Hina nodded her head in satisfaction, and Edward gave her a big hug, to tell her it's all going to be fine.

     I moved myself out of the way, as Hina turned her eyes towards the door.

     "What's wrong?" I heard Edward's deep voice.

    "Nothing." Hina whispered, and continued talking to Edward. I let out a deep sigh of relief. "Remember to call constantly, and e-mail!" Hina added on. 

      "Sure." Edward laughed as I knew they were still embracing one another. I left in disgust, and went to my room. What can this mean? Why does Edward have to leave? What could possibly be the reason? I stopped to think, and tried to figure out this whole mess, when someone knocked on my door.

     "Who is it?" I asked.

     "Your nightmare. Aren't you asleep yet?." Hina's voice filled the room, by the closed door. 

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