VI: You Better Watch Out

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                     How could Nevada trust Hina more than me? For sixteen years I thought that Nevada had my back but I was wrong. They've known me more, for so long and yet they thought I played a cruel game in their lives. I despise humans like them. They cared more about wealth than the truth. I know that they know that I could never do such thing but how could they miss an opportunity like this? If they don't obey Hina's order they know they will be severely punished. I know they know I could never commit such a crime. I know. I started to sob as I fell to the floor looking at Hina getting ready to dismiss herself from the podium.

                      I wiped my tears, got up and told me self, It's not over it. I vowed to myself that from this day on I will only remain strong. I did what I thought was right. I decide to show myself to Nevada because I for one am not afraid of anyone. I marched my way to the podium when someone grabbed my shoulders and flung me around.

                  "What do you think you're going to do? You're going to show every single person on Nevada that you're alive." Jayce grabbed my arm as he yelled at me.

                  "Let go!" I told him but he didn't listen to me so I yelled it louder. "I said let go!" I yanked my arm back as I ran to the podium before it was too late. But Jayce again grabbed my arm and turned me around but this time he was yelling too. 

                 "If you go out there, you're going to prove Hina's point that whatever Hina said was true. That you killed the guard. That you used Nevada for your selfish motives."

                   "No, you're wrong. If I don't go out there I'm proving Hina's point but if I do, I can tell them want really happened."

                   "Do you really think they'll believe you? I heard you; you told yourself they believed Hina for their selfish motives. So, why would they believe you? Even if they do believe you, they'll act like they don't so they can get the money. Then you'll be in trouble."

                I got to admit. He had a point but I can't let Hina make false accusations. My parents worked so hard for Nevada's trust. Nevada was the second reason they wanted to live for. They never wanted anything to happen to Nevada.

                I turned around and stared at the podium. Everyone was gone and I had lost my opportunity. Remembering the vow, I didn't cry. I turned back around and took Jayce's hand and removed it from my arm. I then walked with my hand in my pocket of my jacket towards the road. I picked up my bike and told him.

                         "You can come back home on your ride and I'll use mine." I got on my bike but before I peddled I thought I should clear any misunderstandings. "And don't worry, I'm not mad. Whatever you said, you said it because you care about me. Whatever you said was the truth and the truth always hurts, right?" I let out somewhat of a fake smile and peddled away before he thought my smile was fake. I reached home and went inside and the first thing I saw was Jayce.

                        "Nice of you to stop by," he told me as he got up from the coach and came towards my direction.

                           "Ok, I'm sorry for coming home so late. I just felt like being alone."

                        "You know its midnight right now; I've been waiting for three hours for you to come home." Jayce came closer to me as I took store back.

                           "I'm sorry; I probably should've told you." I suddenly felt scared.

                          I kept stepping back and suddenly clashed into the wall. Jayce leaned in and that's when I shut my eyes.

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