XVII: Inviting Guests

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     Jayce grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room. I tried to free from his grasp, since he was holding my arm very tight, causing me extreme pain. How can a sick man have so much strength left in him? Guess all those runs sure do pay off! I wanted to scold at him for leaving his bed, but it seems that he wasn't in the mood for a scolding. Why is he acting like this?

     "We have to talk!" Jayce said his first few words off the day, since I woke up.

     "Whatever it is, it can wait till you get better." I don't know what's up with Jayce, but it's not going to help, if he keeps disobeying my orders.

     "No! I can't wait that long. I have no idea when I'm going to get better, and right now my health is not that important."

     "To me, yes. Seriously, why don't guys listen to their girlfriends?"

     "Stop! JUST STOP!" Jayce yelled at me. I could see the angry in his eyes. Did I do something wrong? Why was he so mad? Did he perhaps find out that I was using him? Oh, no this is bad. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I guess I have to hear him out, whether I want to or not.

     "Did I do something wrong?" I asked him with the guilt feeling in my heart. I know I did, and I do want to tell him, but from my mouth, and at the right time. I can't tell him in this condition. What if he gets worse?

     "No, you didn't do anything wrong!" Jayce suddenly turned sweet. Seriously, what is with him and his mood swings? But, he said I didn’t do anything wrong? So, he doesn’t know I was using him, then why would he want to break up with me?


     I just can't do this. Okay?" Jayce cut me off.

     "Do what? Are you-?" I knew what he was going to say, but I just wanted to hear it from him, or did I?

     "I'm sorry. It's just after dating for a week; I realized that I don't think of you in that way." What? He must be joking? That is surely not how he feels about me.

     "Jayce, seriously if this is a joke or something. It's so not funny." Why all of a sudden, of the topic of breaking up. Seriously what's going on?

     "It's not a joke. I just wanted to end it before things got more serious." I had to find out, I was using him. What else could be the reason?

     "Did I do something wrong because if I did, you can tell me?" I started to well up. If he knew that I was using him, I rather have him say it than act like he doesn't know.

     "No, you perfectly fine. Just please try to understand."

     "Understand what? Things were perfectly fine. What happened?" I knew what happened; I used him, that’s what happened. If he knows he should just tell me, and stop beating around the bush. That's the only excuse he has to break up with me, if that's not the reason, then what is?

     "I just can't continue a relationship, if I don't have any feelings!"

     "I'm not going to take that as an answer because I know it’s not true."

     "What do you think that every guy will love you after being with you for a week? Why can't you understand, that I just don't like you." Was he trying to hurt my feelings? I couldn't help I started to tear up. Here is a guy that just broke up with me, and I'm crying.

     "I just don't get it; if I did something just tell me." I kept asking the same question, over and over, and he gave me the same answer, over and over.

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