VIII: Face To Face

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      I rushed to the window to make sure my eyes didn't deceive me. It was gone! My searched stopped when Jayce placed his hand on my shoulder.

     "What's wrong with you? What's on the window?" Jayce asked me while I was stressing out.

     "You have to believe me! I saw something... I saw," my voice cut off as I started to feel dizzy and a moment latter I collapsed on the floor. My eyes started to open as I was being poured with water. I let out a cough and opened my eyes.

     "You ran out of medicine, I'll get some more. Stay here and rest. AND DON'T MOVE!" Jayce startled me and I let out a quick okay signalling my annoyance. This time I actually decided to listen to Jayce. I was so sleepy anyways. I grabbed my pillow and pulled the bed sheets on me. I let out a big yawn and slowly drifted to sleep.

     I was dreaming such a beautiful dream, me beating Hina and destroying her. But, every minute of my dream a blurry picture of the window would appear. I tried to vanish it away but it stayed there haunting my mind. I awoke as I heard noises coming outside my room. Having a nightmare a few seconds ago I was frightened by the mysterious noises. I got up from bed and about to open my room door when it opened by itself. Jayce was saying standing in front of me, who startled me, making me trip. Jayce with his fast reaction caught me in the nick of time. My arms fastened around his neck as his hands were around my waist. We gazed at each other, as my heart continued to pound out of my chest. To stop my heart from beating so fast, I let go standing on my own two feet.

     "What are you doing up?"

     "Ahhhh.... I couldn't sleep. Did you get the medicine? My head is really aching." I tried to avoid the subject.

     "Oh, I completely forgot?" Jayce said with a bit of anger. He turned around and headed straight to the door when I stopped him.

     "You know I can give you some money? I feel bad you're paying for my health."

     "It's okay really, I have..." Jayce cut himself off while I stared at him with confusion.

     "Do you have what?" I questioned him but Jayce replied with silence. I realized that he might have meant money. That's when I got a flashback of the night when Jayce told me he had no job.

     "You're so young and right now you're jobless. If you don't find a job soon you're not going to have a good future. You'll probably end up homeless."

     "Don't worry, I'll find one. So, you don't worry. This is not something you should be worrying about."

     "Wait!" I screeched with excitement as I came up with a great idea! I let out a grin, while Jayce had a worried expression as to what I will say.

     "NO!" Jayce sprinted out the door but I closed standing right in front of him.

     "At least, hear what I have to say."

     "Fine. What's your master plan into making me some cash."

     "You know you have one of the best drawings in the world! You could make it to one of the largest design industries in the world. You just have to show them your drawings."


    "And before you make any final decisions just think about it." I cut Jayce off. "Right now you're jobless if you don't get a job, in a few months, maybe weeks you'll go homeless. And, if you still feel like not drawing, start off with a small company or sell some drawings."

     "Okay, I'll consider it." Jayce replied with a sigh and I knew he just said that to stop talking about our conversation.

     "Great!" I answered, smiling and left to my room. I came back, opened Jayce's palm and placed some money, to purchase my medicine. Jayce smiled at me then left to buy my medicine. I shut the door, deciding what I shall do to pass the time. I let out a smirk as I just figured out what I'll be doing till I wait for his arrival.

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