"Imma pass.. I ... am"

"Bye. Your too high right now and I'm not dealing with it"

I got up but failing to walk away cause he pulled me by my wrist. I looked at him with a annoyed look. He needs to get his shit together asap. I put a hand on my hip.

"What Kayden?"

"Help me. Pleaseee"

I sat down and hesitantly just did it for him. I don't know what's gotten into him to smoke so much before school. Especially when he knows I hate him doing it. I hope he's ok.

When I finished I got up and went back to my desk. The bell will be ringing in a few minutes signifying that it's lunch. My mind keeps drifting to our kiss. It felt really good. I liked it a lot. I looked up and noticed people leaving..shoot. I grabbed my books and stuff and left out.

* * * *

End of the day was here and they're supposed to have this church thing at the house. I'm not really looking forward to it but I have to. I waited outside with my bag on my arm and phone in my hand. When Kayden came out I smiled.

"Hey Princess" he squinted his eyes from the sun

"Hey. I thought about seeing my mom..she's in the hospital and I ....I-I uh wanna see her"


I cut him off by sighing sharply "That's my mom. How would you feel if you were in the position I was in?"

"Aight... whatever." He didn't seem too happy

I got in the car and put my seatbelt on. I haven't seen my mom ever since that day. And she saved my life so I have to thank her. She gave birth to me and whether how she felt if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be in this world. But look at the person I turned out to be.

"What you supposed to be getting out of this?" He looked over at me

"Closure. I just wanna thank her for saving my life. Your forgetting the point that she's still my mom"


I love Brooklynn a lot but I don't think she should associate with the woman who put her down for so long. It don't matter of that's her mother, she still didn't care about Brooklynn when Braylenn was around. Not only has it fucked with Brooklynns self-esteem but also made her wanna kill herself.

"I just want the best for you Brook. You deserve better and what she put you through I don't think she deserve a second chance"

She just looked away and said nothing.

I pulled up at the hospital and got out. She signed a few papers and we went to room 334. When we went in her mom was just laying there. She was up but she didn't look too good. I sat in the chair and watched as Brooklynn tried hugging her.

"You didn't come see me and I've been in here for a month or so" she said

Brooklynn looked like she was sad all over again "I-Im sorry. I had to focus on school, moving a-"

"Did you go to Braylenns funeral?"

"No" Brooklynn said low

I bit my lip and grabbed her hand. Rubbing my thumb over hers to console her. She sniffled a little and I could tell she was tryna hold back tears.

"I understand what's been done is done and you will probably never forgive me but I wanna say .... I'm sorry for everything"


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