Ty and Seto neared the edge of the recruit area. In the distance a faint glimmer of a light could be seen from the big, grey, and yellow tent.

As they neared the tent Seto felt his limbs tighten. Noise could be heard from the tent, loud laughter, glass shattering, clapping.

"Wonder what's going on?" Ty asked quietly to Seto as they neared. Seto shrugged, from the tent a figure pushed aside the flap of the tent and let out a big sigh. His hand resting on his forehead as he gazed up at the sky.

Ty's feet scuffed the ground and the figure turned to look at them. A look of confusement, shock, then annoyance fluttered through his face.

"What are you two doing here, it's past curfew!" Seto recognized the voice of Ian, but this time he was without his sunglasses.

"W-we were called here by Adam," he said in return.

"That's General to you, and do you expect me to believe such a ridiculous lie with your stuttering?" He pulled out his sunglasses that were hanging on the collar of his shirt, and placed them back over his eyes. Seto noticed the lack of a chestplate on Ian, he noticed his slightly ruffled clothes finely stitched and embroidered with a simple design. Seto knew from experience such clothes would cost a fortune to buy, so he figured Ian was also from a rich family like him.

Though that fact did not lessen his fear for the man.

More shouting came from within the tent and Ian groaned. Pinching the bridge of his nose he walked back inside leaving the two of them to stand around uncertainly. At last Ty made a move and headed inside, Seto following closely behind.

The inside of the tent was an absolute mess. Papers scattered and torn on the ground, glass shattered, and chairs flipped over. There was no doubt that there was a party, of some sorts.

The tent was more spacious than the one he and Ty visited earlier this morning. And about more than 15 people were inside drinking, at least that is what Seto determined.

"Is this what we're here for? A party?" Ty glanced at his surroundings. Seto followed his gaze as it settled on something.

Both Adam and Ian were talking, well, more of Ian was arguing and Adam was... Seto wasn't sure. Singing? Shouting? A mixture of both? Seto could very well assume he was drunk.

"Look at the mess you're making! How do you expect to clean this all up? You said you wouldn't make a mess this time!" Ian was seething with anger.

"Don worry, I hash this uder control!" Adam slurred and gave Ian a hug.

Ian shoved him away, "Get off me you fool!"

"Awwwww. Don ya love meh anymore?" He hiccupped in return and laughed. He swayed and stumbled backwards onto the ground.

"I'd love you more if you took things seriously!" Ian sighed and reached down to pull Adam up. Using both hands he pulled Adam up and steadied him as he swayed. Ian led Adam over to a chair placed close to them and sat him down in it.

It was after Adam was sitting that he looked straight at Seto. He jumped up very suddenly, causing Ian to fall, and barreled over to Seto.

Adam gave Seto a big hug that carried him up in the air and forced the air out of him, "Setoooo! Ya came! I thought ya deshided not too!" Being unable to breathe Seto could barely form any words, but he managed to let out a weak laugh.

Adam set him down and looked to Ty, "And you brought yer friend," Adam shook Ty's hand with a firm but sloppy shake, "Nish too meets you, call meh Adam!"

"Hello, you can call me Ty."

From the corner of Seto's eye he noticed Ian glaring profoundly at him. Seto felt himself overcome with a shiver and instinctively shrunk from his gaze. Adam led the both of them to a set of chairs inside the spacious tent and sat them down immediately in front of a table. Resting on the table was a sturdy barrel with a tap near the bottom of it.

Falling to Rise [Book 1 of Fate]Where stories live. Discover now