" I'll be back." Salman said abruptly breaking the kiss and leaving the room. I sighed before laying down on his bed.

It smelled so much like him. I felt like such a creeper sniffing on his cologne on his bed. Snickering I got up and roamed in the room. Standing in front of the mirror I looked at the girl that was staring back at me. A girl who was cheating on her parents, on her friends, for one person.

 Salman. What if Salman cheated on me? A thought came into my mind and I shrugged it away as soon as it came. Salman would never do that. Why would he?

I loved him. 

The door opened and in came Salman, frowning. I looked at him and gave him a questioning look. He just shrugged and sat on the bed, sighing.

 " What is it? " I asked. He looked so worried and torn.

 " Will you promise me one thing?" Salman asked taking my hands in his.

" Yes, if it's not about not coming here. " I said and Salman sighed again.

 " It's not safe for you to be here, Neha. This area is just not meant for you. Ali just told me that there has been a mishap next street. Maybe a murder." Salman said sounding exasperated.

A murder. A shiver ran through my spine and I felt my blood go cold.

" Wh..What? Where?" I asked baffled. 

" Next street. It's common here. The cops will not come here before evening for investigation. See Neha, that's why I don't want to involve you into all this.This area is just not meant for you. " Salman repeated.

I couldn't believe that in the next street someone was dead. But that could never stop me from coming to meet Salman. 

" I don't care Salman, I can not not come here and meet you just because this area doesn't suit me. I can not not come and meet you, Salman. I can't stay away from you." I started crying.

 " We can arrange to meet somewhere else. " Salman said wiping my tears with his thumbs. 

" Somewhere else? Like where? " I asked confused.

" Anywhere but here. Promise me you will never come here again. We will meet somewhere else. I promise. " 

" Okay, I promise if you promise to keep your promise. I won't come here again. " I said hugging him. He hugged me back and we shared a kiss. 

We laid on his bed our hands entangled.  

" Salman? " I said turning to look at him. Salman hummed in response.

" Let's get to know each other." I said looking in his eyes. Salman gave me a quizzical look that was  topped with amusement. 

" And how do you plan on doing that?" Salman asked smirking.

" Let's play a game." 

"Okay?" If anything, Salman was more amused by now.

" Ummm we both get to ask five questions about each other. Okay? You first. " I said excitedly sitting up straight. Salman looked at me with a blank expression before closing his eyes.

" What does love means to you Neha? " Salman asked and I stared at him for a moment.

What does love mean to me? 

Eternity, I thought.

" A lifetime. It means wanting to share your whole life with someone your whole life. Not for a day or a week but for eternity."

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