Chapter 13 - Dinner

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Chapter 13


It’s been a few days after the finals. I ran away from it, I didn’t even go to school for the couple of days. That explains the non-stop ringing of my phone and the flooding text messages of the boys and Allie. I’m so upset. No, not upset, I’m depressed. Broken. I can’t still find any reason for Niall to cheat on me. I’d never been into this kind of mess before. I don’t know how to handle such thing. Night and Day I cried. It’s so much.

I’m on my way to Katy’s house. Her dad Greg invited me to have dinner with them. It’s the wedding anniversary of her wife Alicia. I agreed, it seems a good idea for me to escape this situation I’m in.

“Hi Hannah! Nice to see you again!” Alicia gave me hugged after opening the front door for me.

“Yeah, it’s great to see you too Alicia.” I said as we pulled back from the hugged.

“Come! Everyone’s in the dining table now.” She said motioning me to follow her.

“Am I late?”

“No you’re not! They’re just early.” She chuckled. As we enter the kitchen. Everyone greeted me a warm smile. I gave them a small wave and a shy smile. I sat down next to Katy because she wanted to.

“Hi! Katy! I missed you!” I whispered to her

“I missed you too!” she said giggling.

Time pass by, conversation flowed nicely across the table. It felt like I’m so closed to them. Wide array of food served and plates are passed across the table. Greg stood up as the doorbell rang.

“Here he is!” he clapped in excitement and hurried towards the door. Everyone of them looked excited while me curious, I didn’t know they have another guest coming over or maybe another family member.

“Guys! He’s finally here!” Greg’s voice from the kitchen door made my head snapped. My eyes widened when I saw a familiar face. Actually it was two familiar faces.

“Niaaaaall!” everyone in the room greeted him. Their voices echoed in my head like it was from pit of the hell.

“Hi! Guys! I brought Laura!” he said. The girl was familiar, oh yeah I remember now, it was the girl he was kissing at the gym. Can you feel me now?

“Uncle Niall!” Katy cheered. “Meet Hannah my personal tutor!” oh crap! Everyone’s attention is on me now. Niall looked surprised seeing me sitting on the dining table of his own brother. Oh this is so good.

“Hi!” I reluctantly wave trying to fake the biggest smile I could

“Oh! My bad, Niall that’s Hannah, Katy’s personal tutor. Hannah—”

“Oh yeah I know him” I cut off Greg “We’re in the same school.” I finished trying to fake a smile again. This would be the biggest challenge of my night FAKE A SMILE

“Yeah.” Niall nodded reluctantly

“So are you friends?” Greg asked everyone’s eyes boaring me

“Y-Yeah” I nodded trying to plaster a smile on my disgusted face. He’s my friend. He WAS my friend.

“So Niall, when did you two made up?” that question made my head snapped to Alicia who was sitting in front of me.

“A week from now.” The girl said cheerfully. The fake smile I was trying to put up this whole time quickly turned into a frown. Have you ever been in a situation like this before? No? Don’t wish for it. How does it sounds like when your boyfriend is with her ex-girlfriend in one room with you and the whole family doesn’t fucking know about you and your boyfriend? How worst exactly would this get? I tried to regain my composure so I wouldn’t get hysterical for what I’ve heard. Niall sat on the empty sit which was unfortunately beside me. Oh my! This just keeps on getting better and better isn’t it? My heart was pounding and my hands became sweaty. It felt like I’m sitting there for ages but the truth is it’s like just a minute or two. I want to stab him with the fork I’m holding and scoop those eyeballs with the spoon.

“Oops! Gotta go!” I shrieked. I can’t take it anymore I gotta get myself the hell out of here.

“Wait its just 9pm?” Alicia beamed

“Yeah, well I forgot that I was supposed-- to give my mom a call. She’ll probably get mad if I don’t.” Have I told you I’m professional at covering up for myself and for someone? Well, now you know.

“Well, that’s sad. Okay” she nodded I can see disappointment in her features

“Don’t worry, there’s always a next time.” I giggled


“Yeah.” I reluctantly said. We pulled each other in a hug and I wave at the other for dismissal. I didn’t take a moment to look at Niall. I don’t want to give a fuck to that douche bag.


Author's Note :

Do you feel what I feel? Yeah ?

Let's grate that Douche bag and that bitch and let them swim in a pool of alcohol!





-Lei ♥

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