Chapter 8 - Thirty Five Minutes in Heaven

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I walked towards her closing the gap between us. I was staring at her eyes and I was being lost. I can feel butterflies roaming around my stomach. My heart beating at fast pace and I can tell that she felt the same thing.  It’s the first time I felt something like this. It’s crazy, she’s making me crazy. It seems like I was the one being scared. I can feel it. Just before I felt something not normal again, my eyes broke up with hers. I went to her window and plunked down to its seat.

“That’s where I first saw you.” Hannah broke the silence that was filling up the room. Her voice sounds nervous.

“Ah. Yeah.” I said. Just before I knew she was already standing in front of me. I looked up to her and smile was playing on the corner of her lips. She plopped down on her bed just starring at her palms like it’s the most amazing thing in that room beside me.

“We’ll just wait for that 35mins to end!” I said in a monotone. And she nodded. “Without talking?” suddenly she asked. I nodded. I pulled her and made her sit beside me. The truth is I want to kiss her this time but I have to resist from it. I took out my phone and I plugged in my ear phones. I put one on her ear and one on mine.

“Let’s just listen to songs.” I said.

“Sounds great” she agreed. Every time I look at her she always have that smile on her face. It makes her more beautiful.

Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran was our first jam

“I LOOOOVE this song!” She exclaimed. She was humming while swaying her feet on the edge of the seat.

“Who was that guy I saw with you a long day ago?” I asked her. My words just came out of nowhere.

“What? What do you mean?”

“The guy you leaned over, he was sitting on the couch that time, he pulled you close to him. Did you kiss? Is he your boyfriend?” My voice was fading on the last sentence.

 “It was Niall. He isn’t my boyfriend and we never kissed.” she said looking at her palms.

“Niall?” She nodded. I was surprised that Niall had been to her apartment before. So she’s the girl Niall was talking about earlier. Niall likes her. I can tell that. Niall never talks about a girl unless he’s interested.


“Do you think Zayn will make her do the nasty?” Harry and Louis whispering to each other.

“I don’t know. But we all know Zayn, he might.”

“Hey! Hannah would never let him!” Allie cut them off

“How long they’ve been there?” I asked. I’m worried for her. What if Zayn do things with Hannah that he did to the other girls he hooked up with? I know Zayn, we know Zayn.

“About…” Liam looked at his watch. “Hey! It’s been 40mins now!” Liam exclaimed

“What? Why aren’t they coming out yet?” I stood up immediately. Harry and Louis were screeching.

“Shut up Hazz!” Allie smacked Harry’s head. Liam went stood by bedroom’s door and knocked gently. “Hey guys! Time’s up! You can come out now.” We were looking at him. He shook his head meaning no one answered.

“We should wait for 5 more minutes” Louis laughed. I just plopped onto the couch and rubbed the back of my neck. I noticed Allie was looking at me.

“I think I saw a group of keys there. It might be the master key” Allie was pointing on the cabinet where the DVD player was. Liam immediately opened the drawer and pulled out a group of keys.

“This one.” Liam showing us the keys. He inserted it at the key hole and slowly opened the door. He walked in where we can still see him. He put his hands onto his mouth and his eyes wide open. We immediately run to him to see what he was looking at.


It’s been ten minutes since we sit here. I felt my eyes drooping and I just let myself fall asleep leaning my head on the window frame. I felt Zayn’s warm big hands gently grabbed my head and put it on his chest. As I inhaled the scent from his shirt I felt his hands wrapped around me. I felt so secured and safe that time. My heart was pounding on my chest and I feel butterflies roaming around my stomach. It felt so right and I don’t want that moment to end. I let myself lost on my fantasies and fell asleep.

“THEY DIDN’T DO IT!” someone shouted in the room that sends me back to my senses the 5 of them was standing at the door.

“Do what?” I asked rubbing my eyes. I noticed Zayn did the same.

“Do theee….” Harry was making weird gestures by his hands, “You knooow, Zayn” then I looked at Zayn who death staring at Harry. He frowned him into silence. I looked back to harry confusion taking over my features. “Oh nothing!” harry shook his head and they all made their way outside. I saw them looking like they were expecting us to spit something out.

“You know what guys, you should go now. My head is aching and beside we have school tomorrow.” I said rubbing my temple.

“Are you okay?” I gasped when I saw Niall already in front of me. He held my hand and put his palm on my cheeks.

“Yeah!” I nodded slowly. My lips slightly parted. Zayn as expected just disappeared. He didn’t even say goodbye to us.

“You know Hannah, I like you, I really do” Niall whispered to my ear. I looked at him in surprised. He waves his hand and catches up on the others. I just smiled at him half-heartedly. What the? He likes me. But… but… he can’t! I like Zayn, I like him too but I like Zayn more! Oh Gosh! I think I know where this story is going. I just sighed and closed the door behind me. 


Author's Note :

What just happened? Niall already liked her? Like seriously ? Geez ! 




- Lei ♥

Moments (A One Direction Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن