Chapter 45: Old and New Friends

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They had marvelous times together, Jane and him. They swam down streams together, flew through rainbows, played hide and seek with the Piccaninny -- all sorts of games that children play. After all, the island was their playground. There were no Lost Boys at this time. Peter's old crew had left with Wendy, and had all grown up, thus why none could return to Neverland, so it was just Jane and Peter. They were the best of friends, and Peter almost forgot about his loss of Wendy, until one day when Jane followed in her mother's footsteps and asked to go home. She wanted to grow up too.

Peter left her at the nursery. His Wendy had left him, and now his Jane too. Once again, Peter could simply not comprehend what was so spectacular about growing up that both of the girls had to do it, but he did not argue either of their requests. He held his head high, and flew back to Neverland alone.

Wendy tried to convince him that she still believed. That she would always believe -- but she was a grown up, and grown ups can never believe.

So now Peter returned to the nursery, and found exactly what he expected. Jane... a grown up, but, more grown up then he expected.

"Jane," Peter said, observing her frailness, "You've gotten quite old."
She rolled her eyes and clicked her teeth, "It's never polite to point out a woman's age, Peter."
Peter sighed and sat cross-legged next to the chair, his head down, "I never thought I'd hear you call yourself a 'woman'. It's strange."

Jane reached over and put a hand on his shoulder, "Would it not be even stranger if I still called myself a girl? A little girl? No, it is true. I am a woman now. I have a daughter of my own, and she has a daughter and son of her own. I am old, Peter. So very old. But I have never stopped believing you."

Peter stared into the fire and put his chin in his hand, "It's hard to be a Lost Girl if you're not a girl anymore."
Jane went pale, appalled at Peter's comment, "I will always be a Lost Girl in my heart, Peter. If you'll let me, that is."
He turned to her, a reminiscent smile on his face, "Once a Lost Girl, always a Lost Girl."
Jane's wrinkled cheeks stayed in a small smile.

"There is so much you must fill me in on, Peter." Jane began, "How are the Piccaninny? Does Tinkerbell still behave poorly? Did you find any new Lost Boys yet?"
Peter grinned, her enthusiasm was unexpected, "The Piccaninny are fine. They just helped us win a battle against the pirates, actually. Tink is... better. Yes, I've found Lost Boys, but I also found something better."
"A battle with the pirates? But who's the captain now? There were no pirate problems when I was with you. Wait just a minute, what is better than new Lost Boys?"
"Not a what, a who." Peter replied.
"Who? If it's not a Lost Boy then," Jane made a small gasp and clapped her bony hands together, "You've found another girl, haven't you? Oh my. What is her name? What is she like?"

Peter sheepishly smiled and shook his head, feeling his ears grow warm at the mention of her.
"She's....," He began, but the more he tried to think of ways to describe her, the more he remembered why he was really back in London.

He thought of how he could explain how fearless she was; allowing him into her life, leading a rescue mission for her friends, never once showing a moment of doubt in what she was fighting for. He thought of how he could describe what she looked like; the fiery red mass of hair on her head that matched the flame in her heart, the way her green eyes sparkled at a sign of something that intrigued her, or even the fragile way she would hold his hand as they flew together through the skies.

But once again these thoughts would carry him back to the purpose of this quest. The reason why this wonderful girl was not with him, as she should be.

Jane leaned forward, "She's what, Peter?"

Peter felt his lips begin to quiver. His eyes soon blurred with tears and he felt them leaking down his face.
"She's dead." His voice cracked.

Again In NeverlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora