Chapter twenty-eight

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Lucia's PoV

I glare at Darmetir's back. Of course I wanted him to help me but did he have to make fun of him? There was no need. I just wanted him to make conversation, not pick a fight.

"Darling, what happened now?" Nana asks and I sigh.
"He went all mean on him and made fun of his job. Jeffrey stood up and said if he wanted to say something than he should and Darmetir stood up and picked a fight. I broke them off and now I'm here, again." I tell her, frustrated.

"Oh Lucy. Are you sure Niki picked up a fight? I'm pretty positive that he wouldn't pick up a fight. Jeffrey must have said something that took him off." She argues.
"On who's side are you?" I glare at her and she gives me a look.

"And on who's one are you? Niki was trying to help you, despite the fact that you guys are not on good terms right now. He still did it. I love Jeffrey but he's not so innocent himself." She says.
"Tell him the dinners ready." She finishes and goes upstairs.

"Ugh." I say frustrated and go back into the living room.
"Hey, sorry for Niki's behaviour." I say and he shakes his head.
"It's fine, he seems spoiled. You can't do anything against that. I bet his mother still breastfeeds him." He chuckles to himself as he walks towards the kitchen.
What the heck? I recover from my shock minutes after everybody sat down on the table.

I walk in and to my luck I am seated between Jeffrey and Darmetir. I sigh as I sit down and take some sauce to my spaghetti.
"So Jeffrey, you're farmer?" Nana says and he nods.
"I own the small farm up the hill." He answers and I steal a glance at him. He might seem nice right now but I can't believe he just said that about Darmetir. I mean sure he acted like a rich guy but that was just so not Jeffrey.

"And what sort of animals do you have?" I hear nana ask and have to hold back my laughter. I would've never thought she'd ask that.
"I have 10 cows and one bull. Seven chickens and three pigs." He says proudly and I snicker.

Everybody turns there gaze to me surprised and I clear my throat, continuing to eat.
"Oh. Do you sell milk and meat?" Nana asks him and he shakes his head.
"Only milk and cheese, no meat. I don't have that many animals." He answers.

"What about the chickens?" I hear Blondie ask.
"Oh they make my breakfast." He answers. There I go again. I don't know why I find that so funny. I close my eyes and bite my cheeks, calming myself.

"Lucy, sweetheart are you okay?" I hear nana ask and nod. Not trusting my voice.
Dinner went on and on. I always had to hold back my laughter as Jeffrey told more and more stories about his life on the farm. I just can't imagine him as a farmer. Maybe I just have a different image of a farmer then they actually look.

After dinner Jeffrey left us and I'm currently helping nana and Darmetir with the dishes. I just realized how much he helps my nana in the house without complaining. I would have never expected him to be so polite.

After he dried the dishes he kisses my nana's cheek and leaves without a word. I sigh and sit down on the kitchen island. It seems like I'm spending half of the day at this kitchen island.

"Why are you still here?" Nana asks me, sitting down in front of me.
"I, I live here?" I answer and she gives me a look.
"I mean why aren't you upstairs, apologizing to Niki." She says.
"Why should I apologize? I didn't do anything wrong." I frown.
"What should I do with you? Didn't I raise you good enough?" She exhales loudly.

"Of course you did. You raised me more than good. I just don't see why I should apologize." I argue.
"He helped you. You didn't even say thank you. No matter if he succeed, he tried. But to be honest I think you should have let them fight." She says.
"Nana!" I scoff.

"What? I'm old, I don't see much anymore." She shrugs and I roll my eyes.
"But I'm serious. He helped you. He was a good boy. I'm disappointed in you for not realizing that." She says.

"You will always be on his side right? I'm your grandchild." I protest.
"It is not about sides, Lucy. It's about what's right and what's wrong. Despite the fact that you are my only grandchild, you are also stupid." She says and I scoff.

"You know what? You're right, I'm stupid. I'm so stupid. You say that. Niki says it too. It must be right then. You don't know what he did to me. I blacked out because of him. I fled because off him and you want me to apologize to him. How fucked up is that?" I stand up and run upstairs to my room.

I grab my phone and run back downstairs.
"Where are you going?" I hear grandma yell as I pass the kitchen.
"Out!" I yell back, opening the front door.

I go outside and decide to walk around in order to clear my thoughts. I can't just stay in there and listen to my own grandma telling me how stupid I am. I might respect her and love her but it is better to leave me alone after a fight like that. I don't want to say anything that I'm going to regret the next day.

I'm still walking like a mad woman, when I hear footsteps behind me. I don't want to turn around. Before I know it I start to run. I always do that. I run away from people. Why do I keep doing that? What is wrong with me? I'm really stupid. When two different people tell you the same thing it cuts deep.

The footsteps come closer and I scream as I feel two arms wrap around me.

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