Chapter seventeen

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Lucia's PoV

After my trip to the grocery store I get back to the hotel. I found goghurt. I love it so much! With two bags in my hand and a goghurt hanging from my mouth I step into the hotel.

I make my way towards the elevator, passing the receptionist. I smile at him as he smiles back. It's a crappy weather outside, it's raining and storming. I still have my hood on and don't feel like pulling it down. The elevator doors open and I step aside, letting the people pass.

"But where should we start?" I hear a familiar voice say. My breath hitches. It can't be! I lower my head as I feel them passing me. I sigh and step into the elevator. I don't dare to turn around and face them. I push the button 3 and lean against the wall.

As soon as I hear the doors close I turn around. How is this possible? I didn't tell anybody about my location. But how come I hear Blondie's voice. I must be completely stupid. Of course it wasn't them. They would have recognized me.

I groan as I step outside. I need to change the hotel. But I already booked a week for 350 bucks. I'll survive this one week. They don't have to find me. I'll just always go out with a hoodie. I mean they didn't see my face right? So I'll survive.

I step into my room and sigh in relief. I could just stay in my room for the time. No, that wouldn't be any different from the time I had in Darmetir's penthouse. It is already 2 p.m. and I have been outside for almost three hours.

I run a hand through my hair. I slowly walk into the bathroom and make myself ready for a long bath.

Nikolaos' PoV

Yesterday I arrived at the hotel at 10 p.m. and directly occupied the bed. The guys booked a cute room with three beds and two bathrooms. It's not much, but we won't be in here too much anyways.

I woke up today at 1p.m. to my phone ringing. I groan as I pick it up.
"Hello?" I say with a raspy voice.
"She called me!" I hear the lady say. I already know who she is.
"What did she say?" I ask her, sitting up and running my eyes.
"She told me she'd visit in a month or so. She told me she's fine." Misses Brooke says.

"Thank you very much. You helped a lot." I say, yawning and rubbing my bare stomach.
"Oh, did I wake you up?" She asks. Aww.
"No, it's fine ma'am." I smile.
"Please, call me nana." She says and I chuckle.

"Alright, nana."
"You grew up such a charming handsome boy. Make sure to visit soon and bring my granddaughter next time." She says.
"Will do." I smile.
"Then go back to sleep. You seem out of it. Call me if there's any news about my daughter."

"Alright, bye nana." I say and hang up. Such a cute old person. I wonder how her husband is.

"Dude, who was that?" I hear Leonard ask, half asleep.
"Lucia's grandmother. She said she called her and said she'd visit her in a month. I think she believes that we'll stop looking for her by that time." I tell him.
"But we won't." He smirks and I nod.

We stand up and get ready for the day. I am planning on finding wifi somewhere and gather some information about this Ivan guy. I told the guys to look for Lucia. They groaned, knowing that it's easier to find a mermaid in the sea.

After one hour we separate and I move towards the receptionist.
"Excuse me." I say and he looks at me, gulping.
"Mister Darmetir." He nods. Oh he knows who I am, great.
"Do you have WiFi here?" I ask him and he nods again.

"Only in the lobby." He answers and I nod, taking a seat on the huge couch.
I turn my laptop on and wait for it to warm up. Good thing they have WiFi. I wouldn't want to go out in this weather. I look around as I feel a sudden warmth overwhelming me. My eyes fix on a person with a black hoodie, struggling with her shopping bags. I almost stand up and help her but she manages it.

I shake my head and go back to business. The first thing I learned about business, don't get distracted. Never. If you do than you have to have a great reason. Never in my life did I get distracted and I'm not planning on. There's nothing that's important enough to achieve that.

The laptop finally warmed up as I wave at Leonard and Sean, who just got out of the elevator. I see only one person in the elevator. Their back is to me and I realize it's the one with the grocery bag. Because of her body I know that it's a girl. The elevator closes and I concentrate back on the laptop.


After an hour of trying to find information I fail horribly. I called nana and asked her for some more information about him, but she couldn't help. It's okay though.

Angrily I close the laptop and call Leonard.
"Any news?" He asks.
"Nope, what about Lucia?" I ask.
"Nothing." He answers and I growl.
"Damn it." I mutter.
"We'll find her, don't worry too much." I can hear him smirk.
"Just shut up and do your job." I growl and put my head in my hands.

After some minutes of calming down, I stand up and make my way towards the elevator. I nod at the receptionist and he nods back. As I press the button for the elevator I hear the hotel phone ringing.

"Welcome to the Ford's hotel, how can I help you?" He picks up.
"Of course we do. Can I get your name and room number....thank you, I'll just repeat it for you real quick, just so that there's no misunderstanding." He says and I roll my eyes. Where is the fucking elevator?

"Brooke, room number 103. Just a glass of milk?....alright, it's already on it's way, ma'am." He says. Brooke? Lucia's name is Brooke.

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