Chapter nine

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"I don't fucking know man!" I hear somebody yell.
"No, I was just trying to scare her. Who knew that she'd black out....No, I got her....Don't you believe in me?....No, I didn't hit her....can you just fuck off, she's fine....Yeah....I told you that last time you called, just to check up on her, that I did not hurt her....Why would you even think that....Yeah, but not that much that I'd hit her....I got my standards....Yeah I'm gonna check up on her now....see you later bye." The person ends the conversation.

I close my eyes again and pretend to be still asleep, when the person kneels down in front of me. I can hear it by the sound of his knees hitting the floor.
"Gynaika, what am I going to do with you." I feel a cold pressure on my forehead. The person is wiping my face with some wet stuff. I groan and attempt to just wake up. I open my eyes slowly and jump a little at the closeness of Darmetir's face and mine.

He clenched his jaw and stands up.
"Finally. Do you know what happened?" He asks me, sitting down on the bed.
"I'm taking a wild guess and say I blacked out." I roll my eyes. I have that sometimes. I would go to the doctor, but you know I'm poor.
"Does that happen often?" He asks.
"Just when I'm under stress." I shrug and sit up, only to groan and fall back down. My head is hurting like a bitch.

He stands up without a word and I almost fall asleep again when he comes back with two pills and a glass of water.
"Take them." He orders and I look at him strangely.
"It's for the headache, woman!" He throws his arms up in the air and I flinch. He mutters something before I sit up slowly and take the pills with the water. I give it back to him and mutter a small thank you. He nods and stands back up, leaving the room. I sigh and my head hits the pillow again.

Before I know it, I fall asleep once again with the feeling of somebody gently stroking my hair. I must be really tired.


"Wake up, sleepy head." I groan in response.
"If you don't, then I'll have to take my water gun out." I hear the person say.
"Five more minutes." I groan and pull the sheets over my head.
"No can do sweetheart. Get up." I groan again and sit up, opening my eyes in the process. I turn my head to look at Blondie.

"Well hello there." He smirks and I groan again. Yeah I'm not a morning person. The sun is low-key burning my eyes right now.
"Go away." I mutter as I stand up.
I just want to shower and go home.
"Come on, I made you breakfast." He takes my hand.

"Geez, I won't run away if you let go of my hand." I complain as he drags me into the kitchen. I gasp at the amount of food. He literally cooked everything that's considered breakfast.
"You really cooked all of that?" I ask in disbelief as I sit down and take a waffle with some strawberries.
"Of course I did. Maybe Niki helped a little bit, but I was the chef." I doubt that. If anything, Darmetir is his own boss.

"Oh I see you're talking bullshit about me helping you. Although it was the other way around." I turn my head to a smirking devil standing there in a new expensive suit. I avoid his face completely, feeling extremely uncomfortable with him in the same room. Why? Probably the fact that he's made me black out just to proof that he's got the pants on in this house.

"Well, I made the waffles and she's eating them, so technically I made her breakfast." Blondie shots back. He gives me a wink and I just shake my head, while eating my waffles.
"Well I bought the strawberries." Sean says, coming to my side and snatching a berry from my plate. I glare at him as he just ruffles my already messed up hair. They continue their useless conversation until I ate up.

After putting my plate in the sink I turn to Darmetir.
"I need my clothes from my apartment." I tell him.
"I know, I went out early and took them. They are on the bed." He answers and I nod, walking past him, towards the bedroom. I sigh once I'm alone and lock the door. I look through the bag of my clothes and pull some out. They even took my underwear. Oh god. Deciding to go with sweatpants and a tank top I make my way towards the bathroom.

I lock the door and go into the bathtub. I fill it up with warm water and moan as I step in.
This feels so good.
I lay in there for about 20 minutes before the water becomes cold. I get out and put my clothes on, throwing the thong, my bra and the large t-shirt into a basket. I brush my hair with my own brush, they must have taken it with them. Afterwards I brush my teeth and put some make up on.

I step outside and walk back into the kitchen, where they are still having a conversation. They stop when I come in.
"What?" I ask Blondie.
"Nothing. Just asking myself why we haven't met before." He smirks. I roll my eyes at him. Douche.
"What are you planning on doing today?" I lean on the kitchen counter, drinking some orange juice.

"Well we decided to start searching for the file. You are going to stay here and do whatever you normally do." Darmetir says.
"But I can go out, right?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"We told you to not risk something." He growls.
"But I'm not a cat. I want to go outside and I don't know, breath?" I say frustrated.
"Well, too bad." He takes a gulp of his orange juice.

"I want to have my phone." I order and he rolls his eyes, standing up. I wait patiently for him to come back. He shoves my phone in my hand and I glare at him.
"There, happy?" He asks. I turn to face Blondie.

"No prison, my ass Blondie." I glare at him and he chuckles.

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