Chapter five

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"I can't come up, we've" I say to the phone.

After I kicked them out they didn't leave my side. I tried to run, but it was no use. Blondie insisted that he stayed by my side. Why? I don't know.
I glance up at them, seeing their eyes on my dress. I roll my eyes.

"What do you mean with company?" She asks.
"Just come down. You'll see." I answer and hang up. I lean against the brick wall of Lacey's building.
"So, is your friend single?" Blondie asks me.
I chose to ignore him since the bus ride.

I look away and hear him laugh. How come he's so completely different from the other two. He doesn't fit into the whole hard business men scheme. He's more like the spoiled son of a rich hard business guy.
As I'm lost I'm my thoughts I hear Lacey coming outside.

"Oh." She says as she hugs me and looks at the the men.
"Who are you?" She asks them. The two just stare at her with a bored expression, while Blondie is already standing in front of her and flashing her his million dollar smile.

"Hey, Lucy it's a matter of manners that you introduce two friends of yours who don't know each other." He says and I roll my eyes. I shrug it off that he got my name wrong.
"Okay, Lacey this is Blondie." I point to Blondie. Because I don't really remember his name.
"This is big boy." I point to mister Darmetir. He glares at me and I turn to the other one. I frown before thinking about a name for him. He doesn't talk much.

"And this is mister Numb." I point at him.
"Hey, I can talk." He protests and I turn around to see Lacey shaking hands with Blondie.
"To get this right." Blondie starts.
"This is Sean." He points to mister Numb. Oh yeah, Sean was his name. I like mine better though.

"This is Niki." He points to mister Darmetir. Oh, he's Niki. Makes sense now.
"And I'm Leonard. Nice to meet you." He says.
"Hey." She says to all of them and then looks at me. I shrug and turn to 'Niki'.
"Well, thank you for coming with me. You can leave us now." I tell him. He just glares at me, big surprise.

"Okay, I take that back, sorry Sean. He's mister numb from now on." I tell Sean and he actually snickers.
"I forgive you." He says and I laugh. God, this situation is so fucked up.

"Lucy, we won't leave you now. Come on let's go party." With that, Blondie throws his left arm around my shoulder and his right one around Lacey's. I sigh and just follow his lead.


"So what's up with you and those guys?" Lacey asks me on the dance floor. The guys are literally following me around and I can not do anything against that. I'll have to take my time and talk to them tomorrow. But right now I'm enjoying the moment.

"I really don't know. The one is like the boss of the coffee shop and I went to his office today. They were there too and now they are a pain in the ass. I thought business men have important stuff to do." I sigh, glancing at the guys.

They are sitting on a table, drinking expensive scotch or whatever and talking.
"The blonde one is cute but the one with the green eyes is just smoking hot." She says glancing at them as well.
"Right." I snort. He is hot, but she doesn't have to know that.

I'm sipping on my second drink today and actually let go a little bit as we dance on the dance floor.
Two hands suddenly appear on my hips and I turn around to see a cute guy smirking down at me. I smile at him and keep swaying my hips. I can feel his hot breath on my neck as he rubs himself against my behind. I look at Lacey, who's already dancing with another guy. We lock eyes and smirk.

This night is going to be awesome. I keep dancing with the same guy behind me. He spends some drinks and we make out. He seems pretty chill, but before I know it, Blondie comes to my side and pulls me off of his lap. I frown as he leads us away from him.

"Hey, what the fuck dude?" I hear my date yell. Second later I hear a crack sound and yelling, but we're already outside. I see Sean and Lacey standing there. Lacey looks very drunk while Sean seems sober. On the other side, I'm not drunk yet, just tipsy.

"What the hell Blondie?" I yell at him.
"It's getting late. We're going home." He says as he frees his grip on my arm.
"Alright, bye." I say and turn around, in order to go back inside.
"Oh, you're coming with us." mister Darmetir says, coming outside and gripping my elbow.

"I'm not a little child. I can take care of myself. And I will not come home with you guys." I protest as a black Cherokee pulls up in front of us. He drags me towards the car.
"This is kidnapping, you know that right?" I hit his chest. Oh I touched his chest.

"Oh, look who's sober enough to realize." He says, pushing me into the passenger seat. He turns to the driver and tells him something in a different language. God, that sounded hot.
The driver nods and starts the engine.

"Hey, what about Lacey?" I grip Darmetir's t-shirt.
"We'll take care of her." He says before unwrapping my fingers from his shirt and closing the door.

"Put your seatbelt on." The driver says and I do, sighing. I'm pretty sure I can't get away from them. Even if they kidnap me, nobody would care. My grandparents never visit. And Lacey is probably getting kidnapped as well.

My life is such a mess right now. I can't help but also be proud that I touched Darmetir's chest. I'm pretty sure he hides his good body under his suits. Wow, hold on. What the heck am I thinking. He just kidnapped me. Well I'm not exactly complaining or fighting in any way. Must be the alcohol.

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