Chapter fifteen

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Lucia's PoV

After my conversation with Lacey I pay the taxi driver and run towards the airport. Half an hour later I got a one way ticket to Utah. I decided to stay at an hotel near my grandparents. And after a while I move back in, when I'm completely sure that the guys gave up. Because I'm pretty sure that they will look everywhere.

Maybe they'll even talk to them and ask them about my parents. I don't know. I just want this nightmare to be over.
I step inside the next airplane after some hours of waiting in the section. I sigh as I sit down in the seat.

Minutes later we're ordered to put the seatbelts on and the plane is ready to start.
I have this feeling in my stomach every time the plane takes off. But I also feel relieved to be in the air, away from Darmetir and his ducklings.

I can't help but to think about the last time I saw him. He's probably find out that I'm not in the penthouse anymore. It's just a matter of time until he finds out that I'm in the airport. He'll probably think that I'm on my way to Utah. But I'm not there where he thinks I am.

I sigh as I remember his body. Why do I think about his hard and sexy chest? Or his muscular defined abs. Or that jaw of his. Or his dark hair, falling in every direction. Shoot, I need to stop. I can't feel attracted to him because he's the meanest and most manipulative person I know. I close my eyes and pray to get down fast. Did I mention that I never fly. If I have to leave the state I normally take the car. But I'm way faster with the plane.

Nikolaos' PoV

Fuck, we missed it. I kick the nearest trash can and run a hand through my already messed up hair. I can't believe that we were too slow. How the heck are we supposed to know where she is now. I ran towards the receptionist.

"Show me your camera material." I order and she gulps and nods. She knows who I am, good. On the video I see Lucia going to her desk. I stop the video.
"Where did that girl go?" I ask her. She looks up in her computer.

"She booked a one way ticket to Utah. The plane just took off." She says. Dang it!
"When is the next plane to Utah?" I ask her.
"Three hours." She answers and I groan. I turn around and kick the next trash can. I run outside where the guys are standing.

"Where did she go?" Sean asks.
"Utah, and I already know where she is. Come on." I tell them. Good thing I have a private jet.

Lucia's PoV

Five hours later I find myself in a nice little room in the nearest hotel to my grandparent's house. It's about time I lay down on the bed and relax. The room is all I need right now. It consists of a bed and a closet where I put my clothes in. I also have a nice bathroom, which is bigger than the one in my old apartment. It is cheap, only 50 bucks for a night. I can hold that up for some weeks, now that I have almost 15.000.

I shower and throw some clothes on. Minutes later I fall asleep.


The next day I wake up, feeling the need to call Lacey and tell her that I landed.
She picks up on the second ring.
"Hey, how is Utah?" She asks.
"It's fine. How are you. Did the guys visit you?" I ask, feeling scared for my best friend.

"Yeah. Why did you leave him? He seemed so nice. He really likes you." She says. I snort.
"I bet he does. Did you tell them where I am?" I need to know.
"No, he asked but I didn't tell him that you are in Utah. But I bet he's already on his way." She tells me and I roll my eyes.
"I know. Alright, I need to go. Thank you for not telling, love you. Bye." I say and hang up.

I fall back on the bed and sigh. Why can't they just leave me alone? I decide to call my grandparents for the first time in weeks. Normally, they call me every month to make sure I'm still alive. I've never called them just to check up on them. How suspicious is that?

My grandma picks up at the second ring.
"Hello?" She asks.
"Hey nana."
"Oh Lucia, how are you, darling?" She asks a little bit too excited.
"I'm fine, just wanted to make sure you guys are alright. How is pops?"

"He's doing great, why don't you visit us sometimes. We haven't seen you in ages. We could send you money if you need some for the flight." She says. That's the reason why I never call.
"Oh I don't need the money. I could visit you next month if you want." I say. I just hope the guys are gone until then.

"Oh I would love that. Don't book a hotel, you're staying in your old room." She orders.
"Alright, if you want. Just know that I love you guys. Have a nice day." I say.
"You to, sweety. Bye." She hangs up. Strange. Normally she can't stop talking and always interrupts me. Maybe I woke her up.

I yawn and change into some jeans and a blouse. I brush my teeth and hair, putting some make up on and leaving the room. I go down to the lobby, passing the receptionist's table. He smiles at me and nods. I mirror his actions and walk outside.

Oh Utah, how much I missed you. Because of the fact that I grew up in this city I already know where the local grocery store is. So I make my way to the store, hoping not to meet the men who are currently looking for me.

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