Chapter fourteen

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Lucia's PoV

Finally I can see the sun rising. It is currently a little bit after six and I groan, standing up from the bench. God, my back hurts. I brush imaginary dust from my clothes and exit the park. I see nannies entering the park, giving me dirty looks. I would too, to be honest. I brush it off and look on my phone for a local jewellery shop.

I find one, five minutes away from here. I sigh and walk towards the shop. As I walk in I feel out of place, again. With my dirty jeans and black shirt I'm so not dressed for a shop like this. But I don't care, I'm not here to impress somebody. I'm here to get money.

"Hello ma'am, how can I help you." An old lady comes to my side as soon as I step in.
"H- hello. I am here to sell my golden stuff." I stutter and she nods, leading me to a table.
"Alright honey, what do you got?" She smiles at me. I show her all of my stuff, except the watch.

Turns out all of it would give me barely 200 bucks. I groan. This is not enough for a flight. I show her my watch with pain in my eyes. Every single cell in my body tells me not to do it, but I have to.
She looks at it interested and gasps lightly. She turns her gaze towards me.

"This is an original sample. It is about 13.000 $. If you sell it, we can give you the money right now. But you need to assure us that it is not stolen." She says and I gulp but nod.
"Okay, so all we need is your signature and a fingerprint." She tells me and I give her that. She puts all the money in an envelope and smiles at me.

"I hope you will find what you need with that money. I can sense that you don't have it easy. Thank you for the watch." She gives me the money. I nod and slowly walk outside. My heart aches when I call a cab and drive towards the airport.

I hear my phone ring and pick it up.
"Luke? Where are you?"

Nikolaos' PoV

Where the fuck could she be? Why didn't I wake up as she took the watch? I thought she was asleep.

"We're here." Sean says, stopping the car in front of her apartment. I growl and step out, slamming the car door rather too hard. But I don't care. Once she's in my hands, she won't see any light ever again. I let her sleep in my bed, eat my food and that's how she thanks me. I thought she would help us. Guess she's just a stupid little bitch.
"Don't hurt her." I hear Sean yell after me.

Once I'm in front of her door, I don't even bother knocking. To my surprise the door isn't locked and I step in. I can already see that she isn't here. Perks of having a shoe box as an apartment. I growl and turn around. The guys were right behind me, so I surprise them when I walk into them.

"Jesus!" I hiss as I stand up again. They groan and stand up as well.
"She isn't here." I state.
"Where the fuck would she go?" Leonard asks.
"What about her friend? What's her name again?" I ask Sean.
"Lacey. Let's go. I still know where she lives." He says and runs back to the car.

We follow behind him and drive towards her friend's house. I can't believe she could escape me. And why the fuck would she do that. Okay, I may overdo it with the commands but just because I love to see her getting angry. I didn't mean to scare her that much that she blacked out the other day. I just had to put her in place. I shake my head at my own thoughts. Who cares if she's scared of me. It's even better, so she knows what happens when I find her.

Half an hour later we're at her friend's house, knocking repeatedly at her door. She groans as she opens the door.
"What are you doing here?" She asks us. I can already feel that Lucia isn't here but have to make sure. I step inside, ignoring her question and look around. She closes the door, once the guys are all in.

"What the heck are you doing?" She stomps her foot in frustration when we open every door in her apartment.
"Where is she?" I ask her.
"I don't know. I dropped her at home. Why? Did something happen?" She asks me worried. I can tell that she tells the truth.

"We don't know. I wake up and next thing I know she's gone." I growl, sitting down on the pink couch.
"I didn't even know you guys were a thing." She comments and I frown. She didn't tell her what's going on. Oh this is going to be good.

"Well, yeah. We even made plans for the future but now she's gone. I don't even know what happened. What if she got kidnapped?" I fake cry. The guys are giving me weird looks but I silently tell them to play along.

"Yeah, Niki here was crying when he didn't find her. She could be anywhere." Leonard says and I glare at him, before nodding at Lacey.
"Oh my god. Did you try to reach her?" She asks, coming to my site. I nod.

"But maybe she'll pick up when you call her. I need her in my life. I want to make everything better." I plead and she nods. I wait patiently as she calls her bitch of a friend.

Leonard gives me a light push and squeezes my shoulder. I narrow my eyes at him. What's up with that guy?

"Luke? Where are you?" I hear Lacey ask and smirk at the guys.
"I just want to know. Tell they aren't.....because I care about you....Yeah.....What are you doing at the airport? did what?....come to my place, we can talk about everything....because I don't want you to just leave all of a sudden....Okay....just take care of yourself and call as soon as you land." With that she hangs up.

Airport? What would she do at the airport? She doesn't even have enough money to....except she sold the watch. Shit! Stupid, stupid girl.

"She's at the airport, said she needed some vacation." Lacey says.
Vacation my ass.

"Did she say where too?" I ask.
"No. And I wouldn't tell you. She obviously needs space. I- hey, where are you going?"

I ignore her as I run past her towards the car.

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