Chapter nineteen

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Nikolaos' PoV

I don't even know how I did it but something in me snapped when I saw the gun. My parents were killed with a gun. And the fact that he almost killed Lucia with the gun, made me angrier and apparently turned me into a ninja. Well not a ninja ninja but I got some moves.

Somehow I managed to tape him on a chair with his own tape. He is currently struggling to get free but he won't. The gun is laying on the floor. I push it away with my foot and wipe my mouth. He managed to punch me in the stomach and the jaw, but I'm perfectly fine. Who the fuck is this. What does he want from Lucia? Lucia...Lucia!

I look around the room. Lucia's room. Where is she? I run outside into the hallway and find her with her back to me. She's sitting on the ground, hugging her knees. She's still shaking when I pull her up. I wrap my arms around her, letting her cry against my chest.

"Shhh." I say, stroking her hair. To my surprise she wraps her arms around my abdomen and holds on tight as if I'd disappear any second. I tighten my own grip around her and find myself kissing the top of her head. With my left hand still around her I take my phone out and text Leonard that I got her. He replies immediately, saying they are on their way.

I go back to calming Lucia, ignoring the weird feeling in my chest. I sit us down in the hallway and pull her on my lap. I place my chin on top of her head, pulling her closer. Her breath starts to become slower and before I know it, her arms loosen their grip around me.

I frown and tangle me head, in order to look at her. I chuckle when I see her asleep. I stand up, carrying her to the elevator. I step in and we are on our way to my room. I lay her down on my bed, pulling the covers over her. I glance down at her sleeping form. So beautiful. Shit, what? I shake my head.

I leave the room and call Leonard.
"Is she okay?" He asks.
"Yes, she's asleep. I need you to go to our room. I'll meet Sean on stage three." I command.
"What about Lucia." He asks and I glare at the wall.
"Congrats lover boy, you get to take care of her. She's in our room. Now hurry up guys." I hiss and hang up.

Minutes later I meet Sean in the hallway. I tell him the situation and we walk into Lucia's room. Still taped against the chair is this guy, who's name I still don't know. Sean locks the door when I take a step closer to the stranger.

"Who are you" I ask, laughing to myself because he can't answer. I forcefully rip the tape off his mouth. He groans.
"You don't know me?" He asks.
"Well obviously." I answer. I see something flash in his eyes as he shrugs.
"I don't know you either. Why are you taping me?" He says and I frown.

"What did you try to do with Lucia?" I ask, getting in his face.
"Nothing you wouldn't do." He smirks and I throw my first punch in his face.
"I'm asking one last time. What did you try to do?" I growl.

"I wanted money. What else should I want?" He answers. I shake my head and tell Sean to call the cops.
"Hey, I told you what you wanted." The guy protests.
"Still, you tried to kill her." I say, pointing to the gun.

"I wouldn't kill her. I need her." He bursts out.
"What do you mean, you need her?" I ask.
"She got money." He answers after a long pause. I shake my head and put the tape over his mouth again. He's useless. Just a stupid robber who tried to rob her. God, why did she have to run away.

The police arrives minutes later and arrests him. I tell them to give me a call if they find out anything about this guy. I need to make sure he isn't dangerous for us. They nod and leave.

"How is Lucia?" Sean asks me in the elevator.
"Fine. She should still be asleep." I answer. Although I know that she ran away and I should be angry at her but I don't feel any anger. The only emotion I have right now is....relief? Relief. Must be the fact that we have one less problem to solve.

We step out at our floor and walk into our room. Leonard is sitting on his bed, doing something on his phone when he sees us. He looks up at us and smiles. I look at Lucia in my bed and let out a breath.

"Don't worry, Niki. I didn't touch her." He smirks, standing up. I roll my eyes. I don't even bother denying it. He won't let go. Somehow he got the idea that I feel something for Lucia. Ridiculous, I know. I sit down on the floor in front of my bed.

"I'm sleeping in one of your beds." I say. No way I'm going to sleep in the same bed as her. If she wakes up next to me, she'd probably cut my genitals off. I shudder at the thought.

"Nice. You can have mine. I'll sleep in yours." Leonard smirks.
"Shut up." I growl. He laughs and settles back down on his bed. I look at Sean. He just smirks and shakes his head. I sigh and stand up. She could sleep in her room. But I don't want her alone. And if I sleep in her room, I'm alone. And she'd be with the guys. I look at her and back at the guys.

"Just don't touch her, guys. Wake me when she is awake. I'll be in her room." I say and make my way to her room.

I'm used to being alone. It's not a big deal.

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