Part 26

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Nate POV

I was lucky enough to actually get the first flight to Omaha. Sammy stayed behind in Miami, while I traveled alone. As far as I knew the Jacks had too many meetings in L.A to get back to Omaha and I prayed Swazz would not be there, I'd probably punch him if he was.

Once my plane landed I got a cab straight from the airport to the hospital, my family didn't need to know I was here...just yet. I paid and tipped the driver and headed into the hospitals lobby. I was nervous, I didn't really know much on Tals condition, but I figured it couldn't be good.

"Hi, I'm looking for Tal, I mean Natalia Jones." I said breathlessly to the person at the desk.

He smiled. "Relax, take a deep breath. Okay, you said Natalia Jones. Let me see."

It felt like this was taking ages, I tapped my foot restlessly as my fingers kept running through my hair.

The man smiled "Room 350. The elevators to your --"

"Thanks man!" I said cutting him off as I broke into a sprint. 

My heart was racing the entire time I was in the elevator, I didn't know what condition she'd be in. Would she even remember me, would this be a Johnson 2.0?

Rather than running to her room, I decided to calm down by walking slower. As I approached her room, I noticed nurse standing in the hallway, she looked so similar to Tal, it had to be her mom. I completely forget she was a nurse.

I cleared my throat as I got closer. "Hey, um are you Tals mom?"

She smiled. "Yes! I'm Kerrie. You must be Nate? Tal told me a lot about you. She actually keeps talking about you, you are all she talks about actually."

"Wait, she's awake? From the call I got it made everything seem kinda grim." I said truthfully, but I felt so relieved.

"It was bad, but not that bad. She's awake, her vitals are fine. She experienced some internal bleeding, but the doctors got that under control. They had to remove her spleen which ruptured in the crash, a broken wrist and she has a lot bruising but she's fine. She's lucky the car hit her passenger side, if it hit her side... I, I don't think she'd be with us." Kerrie said getting emotional.

I always felt awkward in situations like this, but I gave her a quick but meaningful hug. We stood there for a good minute, both of us thinking how differently this situation could have turned out and thanking God it didn't.

"Thank you Nate. You know you're the first guy Natalia has ever told me about. I know she hasn't been the stereotypical good girl, but I have never seen her act the way she does when she talks about you. She's in love with you, even if she hasn't told you. Give her time, Nate I know she has to get accustomed to settling down, but she will for you. Go see her she's been waiting for you." Kerrie smiled as nudged me towards Tals room, wiping her eyes.

"Thank you." I told her with a smile and entered the room. My eyes immediately landed on Tal whose eyes were already locked on mine. She looked more vulnerable and broken than I had ever seen her. Her body was black and blue, her left wrist in a cast, but she still had that million dollar smile painted across her face despite it being

"Nate. I, I thought you were gonna hate me. Those pictures, I shouldn't have done anything with him. I was stupid, looking for a release, looking for a way to get you off my mind, but truth is you never left it. I'm just so glad you're here." Tal said her smile fading as she broke into tears.

I sat next to her on the hospital bed, and as gently as I could I wiped her tears away.

"As much as I wanted to hate you, I couldn't Tal. I'm so in love with you that none of that matters. I'm done playing around, I want us to be together when I'm on tour. As hard as that might sound, if you're completely serious about me, about us then be with me." I told her.

She sat there looking at me like I had five heads, I didn't know what was going through her head, or if her medication was catching up with her.

Finally, Tal nodded and smiled. "Nate, after I get out of this hospital I want to go with you on tour and then go to Los Angeles with you. I'm 100% in this."

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