Part 13

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Natalia POV

I woke the next morning feeling like absolute shit. I couldn't even open my eyes for a few minutes, everything was achy. I was a complete idiot for snorting coke with Swift, and missing basically the entire party. Worst part was that Nate saw me at my all time low and would probably never sleep with me or even be around me.

Part of the reason I didn't want to open my eyes was because I didn't want to be disappointed if Nate wasn't there. I highly doubted he stayed the night, I mean why would he, we barely knew each other.

My mind flashed back to our conversation and how Johnson and Sammy apparently went at it. I couldn't wait to get more details from Vicki or Gilinsky about this, even though I was pretty sure Johnson decked Sammy due to the incident in the parking lot last week.

I felt so disgusting that I needed to open my eyes and chug some water and take as many painkillers as possible without killing myself. I mentally counted to three and opened my eyes. Like I expected, Nate was nowhere to be found in my room. I don't even know why I wanted him to be here.

I groaned as I reached for my phone. My jaw dropped when I saw it was way past noon, I never slept this late. My mom wasn't due home until tomorrow, so I still had time to get the house back in perfect shape. It took me another five minutes before I could get myself out of bed.

Once I arrived downstairs, I couldn't help but gasp. The entire living room was spotless, you couldn't even tell there was a party. It wasn't just the living room that was clean, the entire first floor of my house. It had to have been Nate that did this, but why would he clean the house of a girl he barely knew and made out with once?

I found Vicki and to my surprise Gilinsky sitting at the kitchen table.

"Um hey?" I questioned. I was more surprised to see Gilinsky than anything, but I briefly remembered seeing Vicki and Gilinsky getting cozy last night.

"Hey!" They said at the same time with nervous smiles.

"Are you okay? Nate told us about the incident." Vicki said handed me a plate of bacon, which I desperately needed.

"Wait, when did you talk to Nate?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Just before, he left like ten minutes ago." Vicki said giving me a look.

I couldn't help but smile to myself...Nate did keep his promise.

"He cleaned too?" I asked.

"We helped too." Gilinsky chimed in.

"When he says we he means me and Nate, he just sat there." Vicki said with a laugh as she kept giving Gilinsky weird looks.

"Did I miss something?" I asked. Both Vicki and Gilinsky blushed.

"We sorta bonded last night." Gilinsky said smiling at Vicki.

"Well you move on fast." I joked.

"No, not like that. We talked, laughed, and had a fun time last night. " Vicki said.

"Mmhmm sureeee." I laughed as I finished my bacon.

The conversation went dead as we all heard a buzzing noise.

"Who's phone is this?" Gilinsky asked holding up the mysterious cellphone.

"Not mine." Vicki and I said in unison.

"Must be Nate's, I'll go drop it off at his place. What's his address G?" I asked.

"He lives at 420 Oak Street." Gilinsky said handing me Nate's cellphone, which I refused to creep through.

"Perfect. I'm gonna go over now, I need to thank him for everything." I said as I headed back to my room to freshen up.


According to my GPS, Nate's house was only seven minutes away. It was a huge nice looking house. I got out of my car and headed up the pathway to his house, running my fingers through my hair and smoothing out my shorts and T-shirt.

I rang the doorbell and almost two minutes later a tired and disheveled Nate answered the door. He grinned when he saw it was me and rubbed his eyes.

"Good you're alive! Come in." Nate said not even questioning how I found his house.

His house was filled with family portraits and professionally taken pictures of Nate and his siblings. It was clear his family was extremely close and it was something I envied.

"So by process of elimination this is yours." I said handing him the phone.

"Oh wow thanks Tal. I was too dead to even notice I left it at your place." Nate said checking his missed notifications.

"Don't worry about it, it's the least I could do. You really helped me out last night and you even helped clean, I can't thank you enough." I said smiling at Nate.

"Don't worry about it at all. How are you feeling? After I got people to leave I came back to your room and you were sound asleep. You didn't even flinch at all throughout the night." Nate said.

"You stayed with me the whole night?" I asked shocked.

"Well yeah, I mean I had to make sure you didn't have any more reactions from what you took, I hope that's okay, I didn't offend you or anything right?" Nate said.

"It's more than fine, it's just that no one has ever done something like that for me like ever. Every time I get too wasted people just let me be, they let me get sick, without ever helping me. So thank you for recognizing when I needed help, it means so much." I said truly feeling thankful for Nate.

I barely knew anything about this guy, but I knew for the first time ever in my life, I wanted to get to know a guy on a deeper level, a more emotional level, more than sex.

What was happening to me?

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