Part 11

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Natalia POV

"Oh crap." was all I could say as I saw Gilinsky's car speed away. I couldn't believe that he saw me sucking one of his best friends dicks.

"Who was it?" Sammy questioned.

"Uh Gilinsky." I muttered as I got dressed.

"So does this mean you don't wanna finish?" Sammy said cocking his head to the side.

"No, I don't want to finish. Plus, I need to make sure he didn't wreck my car." I scoffed.

"Why do you care so much? I thought you didn't let things get to you?" Sammy questioned.

"I have a heart, Sammy. I know I mean a lot to Gilinsky, and I know he's hurting right now. I'm not some soulless witch, okay?" I said as I finally got my shorts on, opening the door to see how much damage there was to my car.

"WOAH, I'm naked here." Sammy shouted trying to cover himself up.

"Relax, no ones here." I said checking the surroundings, closing the door. I headed around the car to where I heard the noise. A decent sized rock lay next to the car and like I suspected there was a dent the size of the rock on the back door. It'd probably be a decent amount of money to have fixed. I had no other option than to talk with Gilinsky about this.

Sammy now dressed came out of the car, surveying the dent with me.

"Wow, who knew G had a good throwing arm." Sammy laughed.

"This is not a time for jokes. Come on I'm driving you back to your car." I said.

"Does this mean we're never gonna have sex. Because you know I'm warming up to the idea of you and me." Sammy said as we got in the car.

"Maybe one day." I muttered speeding out of the parking lot.


After dropping Sammy off at his car, I decided I needed to talk to Gilinsky. I didn't want to let this go on for ages. I drove through our neighborhood to his house, which was only a few blocks away from me and Johnson's.

"Perfect." I said to myself as I spotted his black jeep parked in front of his house. I parked behind his jeep and headed up the front path.

I suddenly got nervous, because I knew this was the conversation I was dreading. The one I never wanted to talk about and always avoided. But this was the final straw, if he was going to get violent and damage my car then something had to be done.

I rang the bell and waited for a response. His mom opened the door and smiled at me.

"Wow, Natalia it's been ages! Come in, come in Jack's in his room. I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to see you." his mom Katherine said.

"Thanks! It was great to see you!" I said smiling heading up the stairs to the familiar room of Jack Gilinsky.

I didn't even knock, I just barged in to see him sitting on his bed, his eyes glued to his computer. "What the fuck was that Jack?!" I said raising my voice.

He jumped at the sound of my voice and slammed his laptop shut.

"Holy shit Tal. What are you doing here?" Gilinsky asked confused.

"Oh don't play dumb." I scoffed folding my arms across my chest.

"I'm not playing anything." he responded, now standing up facing me.

"You saw me and Sammy and you threw a fucking rock at my car denting it. Jack I get it, I get that you have all these -" I began.

"Wait, what?! You and Sammy?" Gilinsky asked clearly not knowing what I was talking about.

"Oh fuck." I muttered as I paced around his room.

"Tal, I'm finally accepting that this will never happen, you and me. That other night was amazing and something I always dreamed of well except with Johnson being there, but I'm getting it out my system. It's your life and you can do what and who you want to do. I can't control your choices, I know I tried to before, but I'm letting go. I respect you and I respect your decisions, even though it's taken me this long. I want you to be happy, I'd like you to be happy with me."

"You do make me happy Jack." I said.

"Not in the way I want. Anyways, tell me what happened. Why do you think I threw a rock at your car?" Jack asked now sitting back down on his bed.

"So Sammy and I were doing things and we heard a loud noise. I look up and see your jeep driving out of Westside's parking lot."

"I didn't have my car this morning." he responded.

"Then who did?" I asked.

"I left it at his house last night. He said he was gonna drive it back today, which he did." Gilinsky said now sounding nervous.

"Who? Please tell me." I pleaded.

"Johnson, had it. I have no idea why he was at the school though or why he'd do that." Gilinsky said.

"What, why would Johnson, what?!" I said trying to make sense of it all.

"It's obvious he likes you, he just never said it. He knew how I felt, so he never told me. He's sensitive, especially after the other day. I guess seeing you with Sammy made him jealous." Gilinsky said.

I listened to his words, it made perfect sense.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" he asked.

"Not just yet. I don't even know what to say honestly." I confessed.

"What were you gonna tell me then?" Gilinsky asked. I let out a deep breath.

" I was going to tell you that I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for leading you on and making you think there was more to us than there actually was. Being that I thought it was you driving your jeep, I wanted to say I understand why you acted like you did, I was pissed you damaged my car, but knew that was your release. I understand that you'll always have these feelings for me, even when I won't or haven't ever reciprocated. I'm truly sorry Jack. I know you wanted to hear the truth for a long time, and even when parts of it came out you didn't want to believe it, but I'm being totally honest with you right now." I said feeling more open and vulnerable than ever.

"I believe you Tal. I just think I didn't want to believe it and honestly I'm glad you told me. We can start over and be friends. I still want you in my life, you're fun and cool to hang with and I'm sure this Fourth of July party is gonna be a shitshow." Jack said smiling.

I smiled back at Jack, it felt good to have this conversation. Now, my major dilemma was having a similar conversation with Johnson, a conversation that I never thought would arise.

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