Part 20

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Natalia POV

"Woooooo Tal, get it!"I heard Vicki scream as I jumped on top of the bar and began dancing to the music. The entire bar watched me as I moved my hips seductively to the music, but I didn't care.

I lost count of how many drinks I had since my third shot of Fireball. I danced like I had no care in the world, I slowly forgot about Nate and intended to keep it that way for however long I could.

After the song I practically fell off the bar and into the arms of a familiar face from high school: Justin Schrager. Surprise, surprise another friend of Nate's as well as the Jacks and Sammy. Speaking of Sammy I briefly noticed him making out with some trashy girl in the corner.

"Hey Schrager!" I slurred as he set me down on the floor, his hands still resting on my hips. His smile appeared to be genuine, but I knew he was up to no good. He always had a bad reputation in high school, just like me.

"Tal, it's been too long." Schrager whispered in my ear, I could smell the whiskey off his mouth already.

"Shots?" I asked leading him to the bar, past Johnson, Gilinsky and Vicki who were all shaking their heads at me.

We did a couple of shots and before I knew it, our hands were all over each other.

"Let's get out of here." He whispered, the alcohol on his breath even stronger. I nodded and followed him out of the bar.

We headed to the nearby parking lot. I found a random car towards the back of the lot, where the light was dim. I sat on the hood and motioned for Schrager to come closer.

Once he did, I wrapped my legs around his waist and placed my hands around his neck. His hands found their place on my hips. We looked at each other for a good couple of seconds before he lent in. The kiss tasted like pure alcohol, I was feeling more intoxicated by the second.

His lips moved to my neck, his fingers moving up my thighs, rubbing where I needed to be rubbed. I threw my head back from all the pleasure, it had been too long since I felt this good.

"Mmmm don't stop." I moaned.

"Wasn't planning on it." Schrager said as he stepped back to lower his pants and boxers.

I eyed him hungrily, needing to feel that sensation again and feel that high that I craved so much.

Just as he was about to put himself in, I heard a voice calling my name. I groaned as Schrager quickly put his pants back on, leaving me there.

"Standard." I mumbled, not moving from the car. Instead I laid back looking at the starry night sky. I somehow gained comfort knowing Nate was looking at the same night sky. I couldn't help but let the thought of him back in my head. It was impossible to not think of him, no matter how hard I tried or how fucked up I was.

"Tal?" I heard the voice of Jack Johnson call out.

"Present!" I responded, still not moving from my spot on the car.

"What are you doing?" Johnson questioned when he found me.

"Thinking about life." I said.

Johnson chuckled to himself and joined me on the hood of the car, staring at the sky as well.

"You really like him, don't you?" Johnson said.

"I do, more than anyone Jack." I said truthfully.

"I know you do. I would be lying if I told you I didn't wish that was me, but Nate's good for you." Johnson said.

The memories before his accident came back, I reached over, my eyes not breaking contact with the sky and squeezed his hand.

"Jack, before your accident. You saw me sucking Sammy's dick and then saw me out with Nate. You got so mad, you said things to me that were just so hurtful. You said I was disgusting, you called me out for everything. And then the accident happened and you forgot everything. It was so much better for me, because you didn't hate me. But I saw the sadness in your eyes when I would talk to Nate. I finally noticed it, and I feel so bad because I know you're a great guy. " I said now facing Johnson.

"But you don't have those feelings for me." Johnson finished my sentence.

"I wish I did, but I hate to admit it, no one has ever made me feel like Nate has in such a short amount of time. I'm so sorry for leading you on, for sleeping with you, sleeping with Jack and sleeping with Sam. I should never have made that stupid plan when you guys came home. Feelings got hurt, I was never prepared for that. I'm so sorry." I said tears flowing down my cheek. I suddenly felt more sober than before.

"You made a plan to sleep with us all?" Johnson questioned.

I nodded.

"You planned this all out, sleeping with each of us? Was Nate included too?" Johnson asked again. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Why the fuck would you plan something so stupid?" Johnson laughed.

"What? You're not mad?" I asked stunned.

"No, you're just an idiot. At least you got what you wanted or 75% of it for that matter. You know we'd all sleep with you the first chance we got despite your plan, we all had feelings for you at some point, even Sammy. He probably never wants to admit that though, he wants to seem cool for "hating" you. I've come to the mentality that even though I will never get to be with you, at least I was with you. You get what I'm saying?" Johnson laughed.

"I get what you're saying. I'm just surprised that you're not pissed." I said.

"I've learned to let things go Tal. Life's too short to stay pissed at people. Even though I don't remember those things I said to you before the accident, I know it was the heat of the moment and I didn't ever truly mean it. I may have originally been jealous of Nate, but he's good for you and in some odd way your craziness is good for him." Johnson said.

"It just sucks knowing that I finally found this guy who makes me want to change my ways and then he's gone. Some luck I have." I told Johnson.

"Stop waiting for him and go to him. Tomorrow morning buy a plane ticket to Los Angeles, get an uber from LAX to his apartment, I'll text you his address and just tell him everything you wanted to say in person." Johnson said reassuringly.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I asked realizing how smart of an idea it was.

"Because I have the brains in our messed up friendship." Johnson joked.

My eyes focused back on the night sky. The comfort I felt before was maximized knowing this time tomorrow, Nate and I would be together staring up at the same night sky last.

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