Part 5

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Natalia POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open, rays of sunshine illuminating Vicki's guest bedroom. I sighed, as I was overcome by body aches and a severe headache. I snuck back under the covers, realizing I was still in my dress from the night before.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to remember what happened after I slept with Sammy. Everything was a blur from that point on, I knew I headed back to the party looking for something to take my mind off everything. I knew I had to have taken something crazy powerful, my mind was a mess. I groaned as I reached around for my phone, hoping that would have some clues. There was absolutely no way in hell that I could move out of this bed without either collapsing or puking everywhere.

Surprisingly my phone was not dead and actually had battery life, I already knew I had dozens of notifications based on my lock screen. I entered my passcode and checked my photos first, to my disappointment the ones that were there were the ones from the beginning of the night. I then checked my text messages, I had plenty.

The first one I read was from Johnson, my vision was blurry but from what I read he was just saying it was good to see me again and he'll eventually talk to Gilinsky. Speaking of Gilinsky, I had several texts from him, which ranged from I miss you to I want to taste your lips again. I laughed as I scrolled down, drunk and high Gilinsky was my favorite. As the night progressed so did his texts, I assumed these were sent when I was with Sammy. The texts were now almost unreadable, but I could tell they were asking where I was and to come find him. As I scrolled down past random letters, emojis, and numbers my jaw dropped at his final text, which read "Your lips were sweeter than I remember."

"Fuck." I muttered. I definitely gave into him, I just didn't remember it. I couldn't remember anything after Sammy. Did Gilinsky and I fuck or was it just kissing, I needed to know. I frantically texted him asking what happened last night as I waited for a reply. I knew it'd be hours before Gilinsky and his lazy ass woke up.

I sighed going back to my messages, I let out an audible gasp when I saw that unknown number from the other day pop up. The newest text read, "You looked absolutely stunning last night." I laughed at the text and didn't even bother to respond, whoever this mystery texted was, definitely was trying way too hard. I finally gathered the strength and balance to go downstairs to eat and chug water. I crept past Vicki's room, her door was open so I knew she was already up.

When I entered the kitchen I was greeted to Vicki sitting on the counter eating cereal straight out of the box.

"Hey Tals, I didn't think you'd be up this early." Vicki said with a full mouth.

"Me either, but I'm dying I need water." I croaked as I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and chugged it within seconds.

"That's exactly how you were chugging the bottle of vodka last night." she said laughing.

"Oh god, I legit don't remember anything after the whole Sammy thing, oh we kinda fucked." I said wanting to leave out how Sammy stopped before letting me reach my high.

"WHAT?! You and Sammy? I did not expect him to be the first for this summer. " Vicki said with a stunned face.

"Yep. He was actually good, like really good. I guess all that anger payed off." I said with a laugh as I began to make myself some bacon, I needed something greasy.

"So what don't you remember about last night?" Vicki asked.

"Everything after Sammy." I said focusing on the bacon sizzling.

"Well, I can fill you in on some things. So you came downstairs, chugged the vodka and you popped a lot of pills. Not sure what they were, but you got crazy." Vicki said smirking.

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