Part 7

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Natalia POV

"You want to what!?" Johnson screeched as Gilinsky dropped his beer on the patio.

"You heard me." I said confidently, there was no backing out now.

"Um isn't that kind of awkward?" Gilinsky asked, probably thinking of how he wanted his first time with me to just be us two and not with his best friend.

"Only if you make it awkward. Come on, haven't you ever fantasized about having a threesome...with me?" I said innocently as I stood up and removed my tank top. Johnson licked his lips as Gilinsky ran his fingers through his long dark hair.

The boys both stared at me intently, then back to each other. They had been friends for so long that they could practically read each others minds. I knew they were down once they both smiled. I was already squeezing my thighs together as I imagined both Jacks naked and all over me.

"Fuck, you're so convincing Tal. Only problem, my parents are home where can we go?" Johnson asked, while Gilinsky nodded.

"My place, my mom has a night shift." I said as I gathered my belongings and led them out the gate to my house.

As I walked in front of them still only in my bra and shorts, I tried to walk as seductively as possible, swaying my hips with every step. I knew they both were soaking this all up. Johnson was probably thankful this was happening so he wouldn't feel as guilty about our make out session and Gilinsky probably just wanted to finally fuck me after these past couple of years.

We finally reached my bedroom, I let Jack and Jack in first. I entered my dimly lit room, shutting the door behind me and facing the boys who stared hungrily at me, yet it seemed like they didn't know how to go about this. Truth was, either did I. Threesomes were something I always dreamed about, and truthfully I always thought it would be me, Vicki and another dude, never the Jacks.

I slowly stepped towards the boys, both of whom were eager for what was to come. I then went in front of Johnson and slid my hands under his tshirt, feeling his bare skin and what felt like newly developed abs. As my fingers traveled up his chest I could feel goosebumps forming on his skin. I lifted his shirt over his head, as my fingers headed south. They traveled over his belt buckle, to his crotch area. I gently squeezed, earning a loud moan from Johnson and one from Gilinsky who seemed to be enjoying the show.

I quickly removed my hand from Johnson and turned to Gilinsky who was rubbing himself through his khakis. I snatched his hand away.

"Did I say you can touch?" I breathed in his ear, suddenly wondering where I got this confidence from.

"N-no." Jack breathed.

"Okay, because only I'm allowed to touch that?" I whispered once more in his ear, this time my lips brushing the skin. Jack didn't dare move as I glided my hand down his chest, his stomach until it finally rested on his belt buckle, which I undid in record speed.

I slowly slid down Jacks khakis leaving him in his boxer briefs which were already so strained. Teasingly, I rubbed Jacks length, causing him to keep growing. As I rubbed Gilinsky who had his eyes rolled back, I felt Johnson creep up behind me snaking his arms around my waist. His lips furiously kissed my neck as his fingers crept under the elastic of my shorts. I moaned at his touch as I quickened my hands pace against Gilinsky.

With Johnson's other hand he unclasped my bra in one swift movement, it fell to the floor. Gilinsky's lustful eyes opened as he instinctively began rubbing one of my breasts.

I could feel myself throbbing between my thighs, as Johnson and Gilinsky kept rubbing the most sensitive parts of my body.

I removed my hand from Gilinsky and unfortunately freed myself of Johnson's grip, I needed to strip down, I could feel my underwear practically soaking. If they could get me this wet with just their fingers, imagine what their tongues could do.

As I slid off my shorts and underwear, Johnson took off his shorts as Gilinsky took of his shirt, leaving them both only in their boxer briefs and me naked.

I contemplated for a brief second who's tongue I wanted on me, I already knew Gilinsky was a pro at that stuff, so I decided to let Johnson take a stab at it.

"Johnson on the bed." I said as I pushed him back on the bed. I heard Gilinsky groan, clearly wishing it was him on the bed, but little did he know I had much more in store for him.

"Relax G, go stand over there." I said pointing behind Johnson's head. Gilinsky nodded and took his place.

I crawled on the bed over Johnson, kissing my way up to his lips. I had to have a taste, before he got a taste of me. I kissed his familiar lips for a few seconds and broke apart as I smirked at him.

"Wh-what are you planning on doing?" Johnson stuttered.

"You just gotta go with it J." I said as I stood up, one leg on either side of his face, giving him a full view of everything.

"Holy shit Tal." Johnson muttered as I lowered myself down to where his tongue could reach me.

"Bro you're fucking lucky." Gilinsky muttered as he tried his best to refrain from touching himself.

I made eye contact with Gilinsky, as Johnson's tongue caused me to moan.

"Mmmm J, you might give G a run for his money." I moaned as my legs shaked, Johnson gripped one of my legs tightly so I wouldn't collapse. His other, kneaded my ass.

"Fuck this is so hot, holy shit Tal." Gilinsky moaned as he pulled on his hair rather than touching his dick.

"S-strip." I moaned as Gilinsky's eyes widened.

Finally, Gilinsky was free, I almost forgot how big he was.

I took him in my hands, he practically melted at the first sign of my touch, like he was relieved. I rubbed his length a few times, before I took him into my mouth.

Johnson's tongue continued making movements on my most sensitive spots, I could help but moan around Gilinsky's dick only maximizing the pleasure for him. Gilinsky thrusted forward, causing me to take him all in my mouth.

"Fuck Tal, I -I forgot how amazing you are...shit." Gilinsky breathed. I look up at Gilinsky who's neck was arched back and he was biting his lip. He looked so unbelievably sexy like this, it turned me on even more.

Suddenly, Johnson's tongue plunged into me as he removed his hand from my ass, his fingers now playing with the spot that yearned to be touched. Wow, he knew what he was doing. I couldn't help but to keep moaning around Gilinsky's massive length, which was already dripping with precum. I licked around his tip, as Johnson licked around my area.

"Fuck I'm not gonna last Tal." Gilinsky practically shouted, as I nodded. I was so close too.

Thank God Gilinsky gave a warning, because not even a minute after he shot his load into my mouth. I swallowed the familiar taste of his cum, good thing he ate pineapples everyday.

I wiped my mouth and was finally able to moan freely as Johnson kept hitting all the right spots.

"Fuck J, I'm gonna come." I screamed.

"Damn Tal." Gilinsky whispered. My eyes were shut, but I knew he was soaking this all in. His voice sounded so damn raspy and sexy and helped send me over the edge, my entire body trembled. Johnson now had to support me with both hands as he cleaned me up.

After riding out my highs I rolled on my back, not being able to stand since my legs were are wobbly. Johnson sat up, I could feel both pairs of eyes on me. They were both so eager for the actual part.

"Let's get down to the fun stuff shall we?" I smirked.

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