Part 14

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Natalia POV

Nate and I spent the next hour or talking. There was so much more to him than I originally thought. He shared with me the pain of leaving college and his basketball scholarship for a music career in Los Angeles. I shared the pain of growing up without a father, something I never shared with anyone, not even Vicki.

"So he just left?" Nate asked, his eyes wide and filled with sorrow.

"Yeah when I was three, I don't remember him at all. My mom never talks about him either." I said feeling myself getting choked up, but I didn't want to let myself get like this in front of Nate.

"Wanna get frozen yogurt or something?" I changed the subject with the first thing I could think of.

"Uh um yeah sure." Nate nodded, I guess realizing the conversation was getting too hard for me to handle.

"Great, I'm craving it!" I said and it was actually true. Frozen yogurt was on my list of favorite things, behind getting drunk and high and having sex.

"I'll drive, gotta drive my sisters car. My Dad took my car out." Nate said as he got the keys.


We sat outside the frozen yogurt shop at one of the tables, with people passing by. Our conversation was much more easy going. We talked about Nate's plans for his music, and mine for after college. Nate and I shared some common ground, we were both determined and passionate. I was determined to get out of Omaha once I finished school and get a real job in the fashion industry. Right now I worked at a boutique in town to help support myself. Nate was determined to become a respected musician and each time he talked about his music you could see his passion for it in his eyes.

"You know, I have a lot of connections with some designers now, we all do in L.A. I think after you finish school you should come out there with us." Nate suggested as he licked his spoon. I couldn't help but think how badly I wanted his tongue to be licking me.

"Yeah totally, that'd be amazing!" I said as I tried to get my mind out of the gutter. I couldn't believe I was talking to a guy for almost an entire afternoon without trying to persuade him to sleep with me.

We continued talking and eating our fro yo. Suddenly I noticed Nate look over my shoulder and wave to someone.

"Who is it?" I questioned.

"Johnson!" Nate exclaimed.

My heart dropped. Omaha suddenly felt like the smallest town in the country, it was too much of a coincidence for Johnson to be at the same location as Nate and I. I could feel myself getting nervous, I had no idea what Johnson was even feeling for me, but it had to be intense feelings if he decked Sammy and damaged my car. I didn't want to turn around, maybe he would walk away. He was going to be livid once he knew it was me that was with Nate.

"Johnson! Come here, what's up my man!?" Nate called. Fuck, this was gonna be bad.

"Who you out with?" Johnson said as I could hear his voice coming dangerously close to mine.

"Hi!" I said giving a little wave. Johnson's face was legit priceless, he looked back and forth at Nate and around the street like he was on some hidden camera show.

"What the hell?" Johnson said looking enraged. Poor Nate looked confused and looked at me with worried eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to sound as clueless as possible.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. First you think it's a cool idea to have a threesome with Gilinsky and I, then you go for Sam, and now Nate is your next target. What kind of game are you playing Tal? You just love messing with each guy you talk to. If I were you Nate I'd get out while you can. " Johnson said fuming.

"Wait, you and the Jacks had a threesome, and you slept with Sammy!?" Nate asked. Surprisingly there was no anger on his face, he looked amused.

"I can explain, please don't freak out!" I pleaded, looking at Nate. Why did I even care what Nate thought, I never cared about stuff like that.

"Yeah okay, you're gonna make up some bullshit excuse. You know what Tal, some guys actually feel things for you, genuine things and in return you fuck with their heads and hearts, mine included. I should've known you had other intentions, but I disregarded that just because I thought things would be different because we've known each other since we were kids. I always had this glimmer of hope that you'd stop living this stupid lifestyle and take a chance on love." Johnson continued.

I stood up. "Jack, you know you're one of my best friends, you know me so well. I'm truly sorry for hurting you. If you felt like that for this long why didn't you just tell me?" I asked.

"Because Gilinsky was in love with you and I didn't want to get in the way of you too, then you broke his heart. I thought things changed that night, I thought you liked me, but now I realize you just wanted to fuck me. You're so disgusting Tal, I don't understand you at all. I thought I knew you, but right now I'm looking at another stranger." Johnson spat.

I was truly shocked at his words. I could feel the tears forming.

"Yo, that was uncalled for Johnson. Never talk to a girl like that." Nate said standing up as well.

"Look at you defending her, looks like you're under her spell too. Good luck with her." Johnson said as he backed into the street.

"Bro, you're insane. Tals one of your best friends, remember how much you would talk about how you missed her while we were in L.A.?!" Nate pleaded.

"Was one of my best friends." Johnson said.

And now I was full on crying, as I watched him get ready to turn his back on me for good. As I turned to Nate for comfort, I jumped at the startling sound of a boom. I looked at Nate who's face was full of shock and horror.

I turned my head to see what Nate was looking at, despite having an awful gut feeling about what I was about to see.

My eyes widened and heart dropped once I saw the scene that laid in front of me.

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