Part 15

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Natalia POV

"Where is he?!" Gilinsky bellowed as he rushed into the waiting room at the hospital, Sammy right behind him.

"They're running tests, he's gonna be okay. He has some bruises, broken wrist, but they did say he could have some brain damage." Nate said, standing to greet the guys. I was still too shaken up to even talk. Johnson had said some pretty hurtful things right to my face and seconds later he was hit by a car. For the first time ever, I prayed that he would be okay.

"Are you okay Tal?" Sammy asked sitting down next to me, squeezing my hand.

I nodded in response.

"She's just shaken up, it was a scary thing to witness." Nate said nodding, his eyes met mine and it felt like all was right in the world.

Nate returned to his seat to the right of me, while Sammy still squeezed my hand on my left. I suddenly remembered hearing about the incident from the previous night between Sammy and Johnson. I turned and studied Sammy's face, noticing a bruise evident under his eye. I removed my hand from his grasp and lightly touched the bruise, earning a wince from Sammy.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt too bad, if it was Gilinsky who punched me we all know it would he ten times worse." Sammy laughed.

"What exactly happened Sam?" I questioned finally wanting to hear the story from last night, as Gilinsky and Nate eyed me like a hawk.

"He punched me because it was him that saw us in the parking lot, it wasn't Gilinsky." Sammy said.

"Mmhmm, I figured that out when I talked to G afterwards. I just still don't understand how Johnson kept this all in." I said shaking my head, feeling a rush of guilt as the tears came back.

"Just relax, think positive things. You and Jack will sort this all out." Nate whispered as he rubbed my thigh in a caring and protective way.

My instinct told me to hold his hand, and that's what I did. Despite him having large hands and me having relatively small ones, they fit together perfectly.

We all sat in the waiting room in silence. I noticed Nate eyeing both of the other boys here and there. I wanted to know what Nate thought of me, to him I was probably just some other slut. I highly doubted he even wanted to be around me. I couldn't help but think he was doing this just in spite of Johnson.

My depressing thoughts were put to a halt,when Johnson's mom Jennifer stepped into the waiting room. She had a smile on her face despite looking overly exhausted.

I was the first to stand and walk over to her.

"Can we see him?"

"Yes! He's awake, he's groggy but you can go say hi." Jennifer smiled.

"Thank you so much." I said as I gave her a tight hug.

"Just one thing you should be aware of." Jennifer said warningly.

The boys and I looked back and forth at each other, nervous for what she was going to say next.

"Jacks memory is not well, he doesn't remember anything since two weeks ago." Jennifer said sadly.

I nodded, and couldn't help but smile to myself.... he wouldn't remember ever seeing me or Sammy or the incident today. My heart dropped, I had no idea what I should even do. Even though he wouldn't remember the hurtful, but true things he said to me today, I always would.


Johnson's hospital room was somewhat spacious, he was lucky that he got his own private room. We made our way over to his bed where he was resting. His body looked incredibly frail, but he still looked as handsome and innocent as he always did.

We all sat around him quiet, not wanting to disturb his rest. I gently placed my hand on top of his, I didn't want to ever let go. I never realized how much Johnson meant to me until today, it was such a cliche thing, not realizing what you have until it's gone or almost taken away from you.

It wasn't until I removed my hand, that his eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. That's when I knew he clearly forget about everything.

"Tal, you're here!" Johnson said softly as he smiled past the pain.

"Of course." I said as I choked up. I felt a hand rub my back, which turned out to be Sammy. I oddly wished for it to be Nate.

"We all came, Jack, we had to. How are you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well I could be better, I wish you didn't have to see me like this." Johnson said as his smile faltered.

"Trust me, I've seen you during a much weirder time."Gilinsky said with a laugh, clearly referring to our threesome. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"You look good bro, it could be much worse, trust me Tal and I saw it and it was not good." Nate said. I closed my eyes, now Johnson was gonna ask questions as to why he was with Nate and I before the accident.

"I don't remember, why- why was I with you guys?" Johnson questioned clearly struggling to remember.

"We'll fill you in later. You need your rest, Jack. We just wanted to pay you a visit." I smiled squeezing his hand once more before letting go.

"Did you wanna go? I'll drive you to get your car from my place." Nate said getting his keys.

"That'd be great!" I said smiling, turning back to Johnson who had a look of jealousy written all over his face. I gave him a gentle kiss on his bandaged forehead.

"We're gonna stay for a bit more. Catch you guys later." Sammy said as Nate and I said goodbye to both him and Gilinsky.


"It ain't nothing to a king." Nate sang as we drove back to his house. I insisted we listen to his and Sammy's music and he obliged.

It was so clear how in love with music he was. His face lit up when I played his song, and he sang and rapped along with every word, never missing a beat.

We drove down Pacific Street, as I rolled down my window letting my hand move against the wind to the music. I stared out the window, suddenly eager to getting out of this town and possibly start a career in Los Angeles.

The song ended as I closed the window, glancing over at Nate who was already staring at me.

"Eyes on the road." I chuckled pointing ahead.

"That's impossible... All I want to look at is right next to me." Nate smiled.

I was too taken aback to respond, so I smiled in response. I could feel my cheeks turning red, why was I blushing. What was Nate Maloley doing to me... Natalia Jones never let a guy make her feel things, intense things like this.

Nate made a left into the neighborhood, driving through the streets until we reached his. He slowed down as we approached his house. My heart stopped as we pulled in his driveway next to a black Nissan, which looked awfully familiar.

He turned off the car as I slowly turned my head and stared at him.

"What?" He questioned looking clearly confused.

"You... You're the one that's been leaving me gifts and texting me. You're him, it's you." I responded clearly not expecting this.

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