|| Chapter Four ||

Start from the beginning

I suddenly gave him a big bear hug.

"I'll love you forever, Kaname."


I awoke with Yuuki by my side, still unconscious. Around me was ash piles. Most likely from the dead Level E vampires that were no where in sight. Someone must've slayed them while we were unconscious. But who?

My cloak was nearly off my head so I quickly pulled it up. Why hadn't I noticed it before? All of these... dreams are memories of a past I've forgotten. A past before the Swan family. They were all telling me to find a specific person that had been in all these memories, someone special to me. Now I know who.

Kaname was my big brother.

Kaname's POV

I watched in the shadows as Sakura woke up. When she fell her cloak must've fallen off, revealing her gorgeous features. Her face looked just like Juuri's. There was no mistaking it. She was my sister, the one I was destined to be with.

Yuuki began to stir next to her and she stared in anticipation for when her eyes would flutter open. As soon as Yuuki sat up she rubbed the back of her head and Sakura crawled over to her and put her hand on her shoulder.

"You okay, Yuuki?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's just..." My beloved butterfly began to tremble in fear.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Sakura then shook her head. "Only if you want to."

"Yeah. I guess it'll be nice to tell someone," Yuuki mumbled nervously as a slight smile crossed her face.

Sakura stood up and helped Yuuki to her feet. They then walked back to the dorms together. I stayed in my place.

All this time I was right. Sakura was alive and well but how? She vanished in the forest ten years ago. How did she survive and how come she is a human? Did someone turn her into a human and erase her memories? I had no clue but I was determined to find out.

I would just have to keep quiet for now.

Sakura's POV

Once Yuuki and I got to her room she began to tell me everything. Beginning from the very first thing she could remember.

"You see, when I was five I was out alone in the cold woods. I had no memory of who I was or what I was even doing there but then I saw someone. He was a vampire. A beast in human form....He was nothing like the Night Class or Kaname. He lunged at me, wanting nothing but my blood. His eyes had a blood colored luster to them and I just remember being frozen in my spot. He grabbed me but before I knew it I saw a boy with brown hair who killed the beast and saved me. That boy was Kaname and he held his hand out to me. Kaname was my beginning, he is my world. Without him I wouldn't be here. Don't you now see why I'm terrified of bad vampires?" Her hand was clenched to her heart the whole time.

"Yes, I do. I'm so sorry, Yuuki." I put my hand on her leg. "I can now see why you're so terrified of Level E's."

"It's okay. That was ten years ago. I should get over it but I keep on hearing a voice in my head that's telling me I'm scared."

"Well, that's odd..."

"We should be getting back to the headmasters office and tell him what happened," Yuuki said, abruptly changing the subject. The bright smile on her face was back.

"Yeah. I wonder if Zero is there or is still searching."

"Zero usually just slacks off." We both laughed. After that we headed down to Headmaster Cross's office.


Once we arrived I saw Zero nowhere in sight, but I did see Kaname.

"There you two are! I was growing worried when you two didn't check in with me," headmaster said with a worried look on his face.

"Sorry, headmaster. Hello, Kaname...." I was about to say something about that dream but I just didn't know about reuniting with him yet. It didn't feel like the right time. Did he remember me? Had I been dead to him this whole time?

"Hello," he said.

"Kaname was just telling me how you two girls collapsed in the heat of battle. He took care of the many Level E's around you. I'm so glad."

"Thank you, Kaname-sama!" Yuuki exclaimed, making the Pureblood smile.

Seeing those two interact made me have a weird feeling about Yuuki as well. Would a Pureblood really save a mere human girl...?

"You two should go and get some sleep. It's a big day tomorrow," headmaster stated.

"I totally forgot that it'll be St. Chocolatle's Day tomorrow! Come on, Sakura, we better go get some sleep."

Yuuki grabbed my hand and we both ran out of the office.

Kaname's POV

After I couldn't hear the girls footsteps down the hall anymore I continued my discussion with Kaien.

"I have also discovered that Sakura is the lost Kuran daughter."

"The one that everyone, who knew of her existence, thought was dead?" Kaien asked shocked.

"Yes. Underneath that cloak is the face of Juuri and around her neck is the necklace she got that night Yuuki was found in the woods."

"I avoided this subject to not make you upset but do you know at least a little of what happened to her that night?"

"Yes. As I was fighting Rido she was watching in the shadows and made a weeping sound. I'm guessing she saw Haruka perish. I told her to run but I hadn't heard of her since. At least until now."

"Are you going to let her know?"

"Not now. I don't know if she remembers me, or anything about being a vampire. It's been ten years so she must be getting at least a fragment of memories back if someone took them from her."

"Someone must've if she is a human." Kaien pauses. "I must go see if Zero is in his dorm. Goodnight, Kaname."

"Goodnight, Kaien." I walked out of the office.

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