|| Chapter One ||

Start from the beginning

I walked around for what seemed like forever. Soon enough the sun had set and the moon was just starting to rise above the horizon. I was exhausted. I came upon a Swan Fountain when the moon had risen high into the sky. I instantly took a seat and sighed heavily. Water was coming out of the beak of the swan, making it look majestic. I cupped my hands and dipped them under the water before splashing the liquid on my face. I felt relief.

Before I suddenly heard a gun click.

I whipped around and saw a boy with silver hair pointing a gun at me. I saw that the gun said "Bloody Rose" in cursive on it. That must've been the name of the weapon. He wore a white shirt with a white trimmed black jacket over it. He had black pants and a red tie around his neck.

I hissed under my breath as I ripped off my white bracelet that turned into my rapier Sunlight. One cut in the right spot could kill a vampire. Of course this was a Vampire Hunters weapon so it wouldn't hurt humans.

"What are you doing here, vampire?" I turned wide eyed. I was not a vampire. Couldn't this boy sense that I wasn't?

"Shouldn't you be better at telling a vampire from a human?" I asked. "You live on a campus full of those nocturnal creatures."

Before the boy could respond I heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes.

"Zero, stop this girl isn't a vampire!" I heard a girl yell as she came out into my view. She was breathing heavily, like she ran a long distance. She wore the same thing as the boy but without the tie and instead had a black skirt. "Remember when headmaster said there would be a new student wandering around? Or were you not paying attention again?"

Zero stashed Bloody Rose in his jacket. He crossed his arms and didn't say a word.

The girl sighed before smiling brightly. "Welcome to Cross Acadamy! I'm Yuuki and this is Zero, your fellow Guardians!"

Why does that name sound so familiar? I thought. Maybe someone at my old school had that name...

"H-hello Yuuki. I'm Sakura Swan. I'm afraid that I've been wondering around since early today. Can you direct me to the Headmaster's Office?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course! You can follow me. Zero, can you continue to keep watch until I get back?" Yuuki turned to the silver haired boy.

"Whatever," Zero said, still with his blank expression.

Yuuki and I went in one direction while Zero went in the other.


"Yuuki, give your daddy a big ol' hug!" the headmaster reached out to hug het but she got out of the way. He ended up hitting a wall instead. I honestly felt kind of bad for him. His voice sounded just like the male voice on the speaker.

"Ehem, headmaster this is the new student you were talking about."

"Of course," he said, fixing his glasses. His voice was now stern. "Yuuki, thank you. Can you wait outside, please?"

"Okay. See you later, Sakura."

"Bye," I said.

As soon as Yuuki shut the doors behind her Headmaster Cross held out black apparel to me.

"You will be needing this for tomorrow. Classes start bright and early. I'll have Yuuki show you around." I notice on top of the pile the same white armband that Yuuki and Zero had on their arms.

"Headmaster, Yuuki and Zero had that same armband on their arm." I said.

"Yes, because you know the Night Class are vampires you are a Guardian too!"

"Doesn't Yuuki and Zero get tired from being up day and night?" I asked. "They need their sleep."

"They say they are fine. They make it through the day so that's what's important."

I say getting enough sleep is... I thought.

"Umm... I'm just wondering where my dorm is." I asked sheepishly.

"You'll be sleeping in the room next to Yuuki's. Oh, Yuuki!"

"Yes?" Yuuki popped her head through the crack of the door.

"Can you show Sakura to her room please? I'll see you both in the morning."

"Aye aye!" Yuuki said winking. With that we left the room.

It didn't take Yuuki long to show me to my dorm. She had to go back and find Zero but said she would come and get me in the morning for classes. We said our goodbyes. I unpacked my nightgown because that was really all I'd be needing for tonight. I sat my suit case next to my bed and left my Day Class apparel on the nightstand next to the bed. I then collapsed and fall fast asleep.

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