Vampire King: Chap 11

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They arrived at the doors and Lily knocked three times. The Vampire King would be sitting in his throne right about now being high and mighty, Peter thought. He knew that the king was only keeping him alive because he was an asset and the minute he betrayed his loyalty, he would be dead.

The huge double doors opened with a creak revealing the large throne. "Peter, Raphael. Glad you could make it." The Kings tone was obviously annoyed as he stood from the iron throne. His eyes shown brightly in the dark room making Peter feel uncomfortable, "What news is there, Raphael?" He asked dragging his long fingernails along the metal arm of the throne. 

"The girl is not under the protection of her family. She was taken by a wolf from Alpha Ace's pack." Raphael began as he folded his hands behind his back.

"Where was she taken?" He asked. 

"To the city twenty minutes away, Bridgedale." Peter watched the Vampire King carefully as he sat back down. He tapped his chin with his long fingernails before an evil smirk grew on his face. 

"She is vulnerable, now is the time to attack."

"But there's more..." Raphael said lowering his head a bit, "It's warded against the supernatural." The King stood once again, pounding down the steps. He grabbed Raphael by the neck lifting him straight off his feet. 

"WARDED?! That would be something I would like to hear about first, understand me?" He released Raphael and he fell to the ground holding his throat. "How did they get in? They are also supernatural creatures." Raphael stood to his feet still rubbing his throat. 

"It's a safe house for wolves. But my lord, once she leaves that building we can take her." 

The king hissed, "She won't leave at night." Raphael nodded.

"That's why we send Peter to get her." Peter looked up completely shocked. Going to school with the girl is one thing but taking her, from one of her guard dogs and in the daylight, would be tricky. 

"My lord doing something that risky could expose us and-" he held up a long finger silencing the halfbreed.

"Raphael is right, you must take the girl. Ace will be pleased with us."

"Do you think that he's going to let us live on his land after he takes out the Winters pack? I don't trust them." Peter remarked. 

"We don't have to trust them child. We just have to distract them long enough to build our army." Peter was shocked by the words he was hearing. An army was one thing, but an army of Vampires was another.

"An army?" Raphael asked just as surprised as Peter. 

"Oh Raphael, there is a plan much bigger than us at work." He patted his cheek a few times before he turned away, "Raphael you may leave. Peter and I have many things to discuss." Raphael gave Peter a glance before he exited through the old doors. Lily left the room also, letting the doors be closed behind her.

"Come up here my son." He said after sitting back down in his throne. Peter was hesitant but be walked closer to the risen alter. 


"Peter, you must understand that you are the only one who can do this." Peter took a step up the first stair before he kneeled. 

"Father, I could expose us to her wolf guard." 

The king chuckled. "Then you kill him."

"What if they come looking for him? We would have the Winters pack on our tails." He placed a boney hand on Peters shoulder. 

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