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"I didn't know racers were undercover wrestlers ?" Sasha asks me sarcastically. She finally calmed down a bit. I been trying to explain everything to her little by little. I really do trust her.

"Well you kinda have to if you're fifteen and you work..I mean worked for the CIA." I grin and say that I bit loud. We are on the road to Malibu to get to where he has Chris, Maggie and Alice. They are going to be pissed when they find out who is behind all this.

"We didn't encourage them to fight, they knew how to before we even encountered them." He says trying to make it seem like we were a bunch of savages.

"So Chris and the rest were in the CIA? Rosie what was your plan when you came down here to Malibu?" Sasha asks turning serious. She is still confused and thinks I betrayed her. Okay yes, I didn't tell her about me in the CIA but I just couldn't. I tell her everything as we arrive to an abandoned house near the Malibu beach though.

"Basically, that's all we wanted." I say after I tell her about Mom. She nods and agrees. We hop off the van and I enter the beach house and run to the basement were Chris, Alice and Maggie are. I see them and they all take a sigh of relief when I enter the basement. Chris smiles but then it drops when he sees Simmons behind me.

"Hey,Simmons." Chris says sarcastically. He is on a chair, his hands tied back. "You know, there were better ways to get us to pay attention to you."

Some guards go and untie their hands. Maggie seems hella confused like Sasha was. She runs up to me.

"Omy god!" She says as she hugs me. "I thought I was seriously going to die." I hug her back and tell her everything is okay. Ima have to explain everything to her too?

"Welcome to Simmon's 'I want them back' game." Alice says rubbing her wrists.

"You're not alone Maggie." Sasha says coming into the basement." I was just as confused." Maggie goes and hugs Sasha as well.

"I told him there were better ways." I say annoyed looking at Simmons.

"Oh come on. I had to think of something creative." He grins and then we follow him upstairs and we stand in a circle.

"What now Simmons? We left everything in London to come here and just be in peace. I thought you guys had everything under control and finally could find some proof to prove Ralph guilty." Chris says shaking his head and putting his arm around Alice. During these two weeks, those two have really sparked up their romance. Alice just seems so happy and free and Chris, well Chris is a different Chris who leaves parties and races to be at home instead with Alice watching a movie. I basically have to do all the fun stuff alone.

I feel happy for him though, at least he is finally getting to disperse his mind from all the problems surrounding us. I sometimes imagine what it would be like if I had Sean by my side. I probably would be a bit compassionate and forgive Deckard or something, but no, that won't happen just yet. I drift off and come back to reality.

"Right, I am not doing another mission. We almost died in London and I just can't Simmons. We are sorry but we are having problems of our own." Alice says shaking her head.

"Nobody said there was a mission involved in this." Simmons states. He nods to his guard to take Sasha and Maggie outside the house to leave us alone. Sasha looks at me and I nod and tell her we will be alright. "We just need your help getting some information that Ralph keeps in his house. Information about you know, his dirty works and stuff. With some of the information we captured from Owen, we are putting everything together to try and solve the puzzle."

I look at him and let out a sigh. "Why us though?"

"You know why. Ralph trusts you guys. He would never think you'd betray him...Just get me the information I ask for and you're clean. You don't need to hear from us again."

Miles Per Hour 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ